Cylindrical (Drum) & Spiral Calculators |
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This page contains cylindrical slide rules constructed in the shape of a drum and can incorporate linear or spiral (helical) scales in their design. Some images provided by major museums and private collections. Some specimens are duplicated in other galleries.
Reference reading: Calculating cylinders, the slide rules with the long scales by by Heinz Joss, Dällikon/Switzerland, September 2000 Long Scale Slide Rules Revisitedby Edwin J. Chamberelain JOS Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring 2004 In some cases there are historical or photographic records of logarithmic slide rules but the actual artifact has not been found. In the example on the right a photo from 1908 shows a Cylindrical Slide Rule comprising two wheels with scales on the outside edge. Each can rotate separately from the other, with a foot operated brake to lock the wheels while transfering calculations. The diameter looks to be about 4 feet which gives a scale length of 150 inches, or 15 times the length of a standard slide rule. The wheels and base appear to be made of cast iron. This unique design which is wildly different than any of the designs that made it into broad production, was quickly made obsolete by other designs that were cheaper to make and had a higher resolution in the scales like the Billeter, Loga, Thacher, Fowler and many others. One cannot be found, simply because the iron was too valuable, and was probably melted down to supply metal for the first world war. |
Billeter, National Rechenwalze, A.G. "System Billeter"
C.O. Browne, Melbourne, Australia
Air Ministries Laboratory (AML) Bygrave
Dennert & Pape Höhenrechenschieber (pre Aristo)
Bygrave (Japanese version)
K&E 4012 Thacher's Calculating Instrument REF |
K&E 4012 Thacher's Calculating Instrument Made in USA - Designed by Edwin Thacher Archive - Michael O'Leary Collection (USA) |
K&E 4105 Webb's Stadia Slide Rule ISRM |
K&E 4105 Webb's Stadia Slide Rule Made in USA by Keuffel & Esser Co. N.Y. - Designed by Walter Loring Webb, C.E. Scale on outer cylinder: 100-1000 (segment from 100 to 146.2 missing) Scales on drum: Four Difference in Elevation, a single folded scale ranging from 1 minute to 40° labeled 1/10, 1/100,1/1000 and Three Horizintal Correction scales folded from under 2° up to 40°. labeled 1, 1/10, 1/100. Tom Dilatush Collection Walter Loring Webb (1863–1941), a civil engineer who graduated from Cornell University and taught there and at the University of Pennsylvania,. Previously, Keuffel & Esser had introduced a 20-inch linear stadia slide rule in 1895. It sold under various model numbers (1749, 4101, N-4101) until 1952. In 1897, the firm introduced a 50-inch linear stadia slide rule designed by Branch H. Colby of St. Louis. Colby's stadia slide rule (model number 1749-3, later 4125) sold until 1903. Textbook authors such as John Butler Johnson endorsed the rule, but it was awkward to carry in the field. Webb proposed an equivalent 50 inch rule that had parallel 13-3/8 inch long scales arranged on a 1-1/2 in diameter cylinder, reducing the overall length of the instrument to about 16 inches. K∓E sold Webb's stadia slide rule for $5.00 from 1903 to 1923. This instrument consists of a wooden cylinder covered with paper scales, wooden handles at the ends of the cylinder, and a metal sleeve lined with felt. The sleeve, which is painted maroon, holds the cylinder. Running the length of the sleeve are a slot 1.5 cm wide and a paper scale. Reference: National Museum of American History 1921 Catalog and Smithsonian Specimen showing left side of scale.. |
1930 Patent, Brochure and manual. |
Jean-Antoine Lafay1887-1964Jean-Antoine then worked as a chemist, perhaps at the Guimet factory in Fleurieu-sur-Saône, but was a talented mathematician. He published his first "calculating propellers" and "graphic tables" which he sold by mail order from his home. Evidently, he elected to not sell his novel cylindrical calculator invention wholesale to retailers. He relocated to Saint-Chamond, 7 rue Gambetta, from where he continued his research and the marketing of his mathematical inventions, still by correspondence.
Nathan Zeldes did a wonderful write upon Lafay on his website. See Meet a Mathematical Inventor! The Hélice a Calcul and its quirky creator, Jean-Antoine Lafay |
LaFay Hélice a Calcul Model 1 - 85cm Cylindrical Slide Rule 1930 ISRM |
LaFay Hélice a Calcul Model 1 - 85cm Cylindrical Slide Rule 1930 Made in France by Jean-Antoine Lafay, Loire, France Scale: 0.85M 50 revolution spiral scale on a cardstock tube.spiral scale on a cardboard cylinder 10 cm long & 2.7 cm diameter;. in a transparent outer sleeve which provideds a hairline and two concentric rings. Tom Dilatush Collection |
LaFay Hélice a Calcul Model 2 - 250cm Cylindrical Slide Rule 1930 ISRM |
LaFay Hélice a Calcul Model 2 - 250cm Cylindrical Slide Rule 1930 Made in France by Jean-Antoine Lafay, Loire, France Scale: 2.5M 50 revolution spiral scale on a cardstock tube. spiral scale on a cardboard cylinder 19 cm long and 4 cm in diameter. in a transparent outer sleeve which provideds a hairline and two concentric rings. Tom Dilatush Collection |
De Loga Calculators by Nico E. Smallenburg 2004 (924kb PDF) |
Heinrich Daemen-Schmid (18?? - 1930) |
Heinrich Daemen-Schmid was the founder of theSwiss company Loga, famous for its straight, circular and cylindrical slide rules. Heinrich emigrated from Germany to Zurich, Switzerland, and produced cylindrical slide rule calculators with the Loga Calculator company from 1900. Circular (Disks) and cylindrical (roller drum) slide rules were made by the company Billeter, Daemen-Schmid (Zurich, Switzerland), later renamed Loga (short for logarithm). Most of the cylindrical type were made in the 1930's and occupied a niche in the banking industry, while other manufacturers were making linear slide rules. The company stopped production soon after WWII.
Additional references: |
Loga (Daemen-Schmid) 1.2 meter cylindrical (Hand Model) ISRM |
Loga (Daemen-Schmid) 1.2 meter cylindrical (Hand Model) Made in Switzerland by Daemon-Schmid c1900 20 individual 12.5cm long scales. 64mm diameter x 175mm long drum. Gift of Debra Dilatush. Ted Dilatush collection |
Loga (Daemen-Schmid) 2.5 meter cylindrical REF |
Daemen-Schmid (Loga) 2.5 meter cylindrical Made in Switzerland by Daemon-Schmid c1930 Archive - Herman's Slide Rule Catalogue |
Loga (Daemen-Schmid) 7.5 meter cylindrical ISRM (deaccessioned 11.15.2023) |
Loga (Daemen-Schmid) 7.5 meter cylindrical Made in Switzerland by Daemon-Schmid c1930 |
Loga (Daemen-Schmid) 7.5 meter cylindrical REF |
Daemen-Schmid (Loga) 7.5 meter cylindrical Made in Switzerland by Daemon-Schmid c1930 Archive - Ed Chamberlain Collection |
Loga Calculator (Daemen-Schmid) 15 meter cylindrical REF |
Loga Calculator (Daemen-Schmid) 15 meter cylindrical Made in Switzerland by Daemon-Schmid |
Daemen-Schmid (Loga) 24 meter cylindrical REF |
Daemen-Schmid (Loga) 24 meter cylindrical Made in Switzerland by Daemon-Schmid 1915-1920 Paper faced aluminum drum CD (100-1000) scales divided into 60 segments for a total length of 24 meter Archive - Ed Chamberlain Collection Galai Photo. |
Loga Slide Rule REF |
Loga Slide Rule Made in Switzerland - Paper and metal backing Front Scale: Zz(K1), A [ B, R, C ] D, Zz(K2) Back Scale: A [ B, R ] C, Currency Conversions Archive Herman van Herwijnen's Slide Rule Catalogue |
Loga Pocket Slide Rule REF |
Loga Pocket Slide Rule Made in Switzerland - Paper and metal backing Front Scale: K, A [ B, R, C ] D, Log Back Scale: A [ B, R ] C, Currency Conversions Archive Herman van Herwijnen's Slide Rule Catalogue |
Rundholzrechenapparat "KUBI" Round Wood Calculator c1960 |
Rundholzrechenapparat "KUBI" Round Wood Calculator c1960 Made in Germany - Original design by Edmund Schneider (1888-1929) 43.7x6.5x7 cm; 0.51 kg. This is the more modern version of the "Cubis" made of plastic and wood. Scale: Diameter, Length, Volume The following reference is from: rechnen-ohne-strom.de In 1908, Hermann Stoetzer wrote in Die Forsteinrichtung: Ein Lehr- und Handbuch (p. 86): "The cubic table is replaced in a very practical way by the round wood calculator Cubus , which was designed and brought to the market by Eduard Schneider in Munich. It consists of a roller that rotates around a longitudinal axis and indicates the cubic contents in cubic meters and 2 decimal places for the various diameter levels, whereby the relevant length is found on the edge of a sleeve enclosing the roller and then the roller is rotated. This device saves the need to turn the pages in the cubic table and instead requires a simple rotation of the roller, which takes place very quickly." In the textbook on wood measurement by Udo Müller, 1915, it says on p. 92f: " The Kubus roundwood calculator by Edmund Schneider is intended to save or make easier the search in the cubic table. ... When used, the measured log length is set to the slot by turning the cylinder and the content is read above the diameter number on the cylinder jacket. Without a doubt, the instrument makes the search in a table, which is very strenuous on the eyes, easier and can be highly recommended." |
Nestler 1.6m Cylindrical Rule (Rechenwalze) REF |
Albert Nestler 1.6m Cylindrical Rule (Rechenwalze) Made in Germany - circa1930 Scale: C ( D ) = 1.6 meters long Archive - Ed Chamberlain Collection |
Albert Nestler 12.5m Cylindrical Rule (Rechenwalze) REF |
Nestler 12.5m Cylindrical Rule (Rechenwalze) Made in Germany - circa1930 Scale: C ( D ) = 12.5 meters long Archive - Ed Chamberlain Collection |
Cylindrical Pocket Slide Rule with Helical Scales
Scale effective length 66 in (168 cm) with 4 significant figures.
Otis Carter Formby King biography by Susan Richards
Otis King Classification Types There are 4 principle types, defined by Richard Lyon A, B, C and D and a B/C Hybrid. See Richard Lyon's Website |
Sketch from Colin Barnes article in JOS Vol 4 No 2 |
Patent UK183723 Issued Aug 3, 1922 |
Manual 8 Pages (524Kb PDF) |
Known Scale Sets: 409/410, 414/423, 416/417, 422/424, 429/430
Known Models: K, L, N.
Otis King Model K (Type D )1922 brass Colored Scales ISRM |
Otis King Model K (Type D) 1922 brass Colored Scales Made in England - 66 inch scales for multiplication and division Note. The cylinder has a uniform brass color, which leads me to think that is what it is. It also has a square hairline tab nextext to the typical hairline. Patents: UK 183723 Serial number: A8479 Scales: 414 and 423 Tom Dilatush Collection |
Otis King Model K Cylindrical (Type A 1921-1923) ISRM |
Otis King Model K Cylindrical (Type A) Made in England - 66 inch scales for multiplication and division Patents: UK 183723 Serial number: Scales: 414 and 423 Tom Dilatush Collection |
REF Otis King Model K Cylindrical (Type A 1921-1923) |
Otis King Model K Cylindrical (Type A) Made in England - 66 inch scales for multiplication and division Patents: UK 183723 Serial number: Scales: 424 and 422 Archive - Ebay Photo Leather Case |
Otis King Model K Cylindrical (Type A 1940) ISRM |
Otis King Model K Cylindrical Made in England - 24mm Dia. x 260mm Long, 66 inch scales Patents: UK 183723 Serial number: 5673 Scales: 423 and 414 Snap Case |
Otis King Model K Cylindrical (Type C 1960) ISRM |
Otis King Model K Cylindrical Made in England - 24mm Dia. x 260mm Long, 66 inch scales Patents: UK 183723 Serial number: V7554 Scales: 423 and 414 Manual PDF 21MB Leather Case |
Otis King Model L Cylindrical (Type B 1960) ISRM |
Otis King Model L Cylindrical Made in England - 24mm Dia. x 260mm Long, 66 inch scales Patents: UK 183723 Serial number: Z2275 Scales: 429 and 430 Note: Came in Green cardboard box (missing top) Otis King Type C Model K and L Instructions |
R.H. Smith Cylindrical Slide Rule REF |
R.H. Smith Cylindrical Slide Rule Helical scales Made by J.H. Steward Archive - Conrad Schure Collection |
Barnard's Co-ordinate Spiral Slide Rule ISRM Note: the LAT COS (Latitude) and DEP SIN (Departure) scale labels. |
Barnard's Co-ordinate Spiral Slide Rule 1909 sn23 Made in United Kingdom Designed Henry (Henri) Osmand Barnard - (1869-1934). Geodesic engineer. M.S., A.C.H. and Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. He was a Superintendent Trigonometrical Surveys, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) Survey Department. Made by W.F. Stanley & Company See more of his biography in the SR Who's Who page Description from 1914 catalogue: The Co- ordinate Spiral Slide Rule has been designed to meet these requirements by Mr. H. O. Barnard, Like Professor Fuller's rule, upon which it is an improvement, it enables the user to perform Barnard's co-ordinate spiral slide rule.with speed and accuracy arithmetical computations involving multiplication, division, proportion, continuous fractions, powers, roots, and logarithms ; but in addition, the natural and logarithmic values of trigonometrical functions of any angle can be determined by inspection with the same accuracy as in numerical computation, while the products, quotients, etc. , of these functions, by lengths or numbers, integral or fractional, are obtained with equal ease, rapidity and precision . The scope of its operations will be gathered from the examples which are given to illustrate its use in the instructions supplied with the rule. Although the co-ordinate spiral rule, as all varieties of slide rules, is based primarily upon the theory of logarithms, a knowledge of that theory is by no means essential to its practical use.
Professor Fuller's Calculating Slide Rule ISRM |
Professor Fuller's Calculating Slide Rule Made in United Kingdom by W.F. Stanley & Company - Designed by Prof. George Fuller in 1878. Original owner in UK Description from 1912 catalogue: "Professor Fuller's Calculating Slide Scale, the most accurate od all calculating scales, is equal to a straight slide rule 83 feet long, and gives logarithm, multiplication, division, proportion, etc., results in four or five figures. Its range is greater than that of most arithetical machines, as besides the operationsof multiplication and division which many instruments can only perform, results requiring the reciprocals, powers, roots or logarithms of numbers can be quickly and easily obtained by its use. Largely used by civil, electrical, and mechanical engineers, actuaries, quantity surveyors, etc. In mahagonay case with instructions for use." |
Wright's Arithmeter No. 8 Cylindrical Slide Rule REF |
Wright's Arithmeter No. 8 Cylindrical Slide Rule Made by Joseph W. Fowle, USA, 1869 Materials" Brass and wood. Paper scales on a brass drum. Dimensions of Instrument: 36 cm x 48.2 cm x 48.2 cm; 14 3/16 in x 18 31/32 in x 18 31/32 in Note: Wright sold the Arithmeter to insurance companies for $500.00, though only about 20 were made. Archive - National Museum of American History |
Wright's Arithmeter No.11 Cylindrical Slide Rule REF |
Wright's Arithmeter No.11 Cylindrical Slide Rule Made by Joseph W. Fowle, USA, 1869 Archive - Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California |
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