Joplin Schools K-12 School Website
Joplin Schools
Joplin, Missouri
Using the ISRM Slide Rule Loaner Program
Teacher: Dr. Barbara Rooker
Thanks for the use of the slide rules.
They really had a great time learning about them. I only had one student that had even ever seen them before. It was quite fun to tell them that I was going to allow them the use of a calculator (something they don't get often at their level) and then hand out the slide rules. The looks on their faces was priceless. Attached you will find a few pictures of some kids trying to work with them.
Unfortunately, I will not be using them again next year because I have taken on a new position in the district as Assistant Principal in one of our elementaries. I have, however, told the entire math department about them and will remind them again.
thanks again
Barb Rooker