This page contains notes of efforts and techniques in the restoration of slide rules.and is under development.
General Notes on Repairing Slide Rules
- Missing Cursor Springs - Mainsprings for Pocket Watches may be bought and used to replace a missing tension spring in most cursors. Ebay has many sellers listing packages of vintage main springs of various thickness and widths. These are all tempered into a spring steel state, so if you try and shape the spring with a tight bend, it will snap. You have to stretch the spring out and hold it over a flame until it turns yellow then let it air-cool. This will anneal the metal allowing you to make the bends to fit into a cursor.
- Pickett Microline cursors - These cursors are two identical parts (hermaphroditic) that mate with each other. the male and female features are a press fit, Many times the flat spring is lost and can easily be replaced. Sometimes it is possible to separate the two halves, but most often the two male posts snap off in the receiver hole. I've tried 5-minute epoxy to assebled the pieces, but it didn't hold. Possibly a cyanoacrylate (super glue) might stick.
- Wrinkled manuals - You can use a clothes iron with a low steam setting to remove the wrinkles on folded manuals or dog-eared book pages. Place in a zip log bag with a cardboard backing to prevent further damage.
- Celluloid scales lifting (delaminating) from wood stock
- I have the best sucess using 5-minute epoxy with a clamp to put the scale back in place. Clean up with denatured alchohal while the residue is still sticky and not yet cured.
- Split wood stock - A white wood glue such as Elmer's or Tightbond can be used to close the crack in the stock along with a suitable clamp. Clean the excess with a damp cloth. In some cases, this also works for deklaminated cellulois scales (but I find 5-minute epoxy quicker to finish the job).
- Dietzgen cursors - Most Dietzgen models have th same stock dimensions as the equivaleny K&E, so any K&E cursor (OEM or ISRM Replica) should work on those slide rules.
Frankenrules - Swapping cursor onto unrelated models.
 K&E 1930 All Glass Cursor vs Ricoh 1960 All Plastic Cursor
Most of the Relay/Ricoh/SIC cursors will fit K&E and Dietzgen stocks. The gap between the blocks is wide enough to accomodat K&E 20" slide rules.

The early Dietzgen 1746 slide rule shown above has a restored cursor needed to replace the crumbling original from 1926.
The early lens and metal lens brackets were retained, a SIC (Relay) cursor spacers were modified, drilled and tapped
with 1-72 UNF threads, to accept new screws (K&E uses 1-72's). This gives this 'old soldier' a new life.

Nestler 0291 and 0292 Duplex w/ Pickatt Cursor
We received a 0291 that had a missing cursor. In rummaging around the stacks of duplicate and loaner slide rules I discovered that the Pickett wide body Microline plastic stocks had the same dimensions. To make your high-end Nestler functional, you can get an inexpensive Pickett 120 or 140 and carefully separate the pressed-together hermaphroditic Pickett cursor apart. you might snap off one or both of the male bosses. I have used various advesives like a cynoacrolate or 5-minute epoxy, but I think drilling and tapping for screws would look nice.

Acumath Flat Spring - I have used Acumath cursor springs that are found on almost all of their models, to repair missing Pickett Microline plastic series cursor springs. I also use this design for the 3D printed cursor blocks shown below.
 Dietzgen 1759-B c1920 with c1936 K&E 4053 Cursor
Most K&E cursors will mount on the Dietzgem stocks as in the above example. Note the E(K) scale on the lower edge that needs a hairline on the cursor block.

Weber 4285-A (Charvoz-Roos SR104/105) with Sterling 587 Cursor These WWII period slide rules have the same gr0ove dimensions as the plastic Sterling 587 Pocket Cursor. Original stock plastic cursor shown below. Also fits the Roos Company PSR-101 pocket slide rules.
Replica Lasercut Acrylic Lens (Windows) to replace OEM Glass Lens..
Requires adding the hairline using a hobby knife and ink.

Hemmi & Post Glass Lens Sizes 1-2-3-4-5-6
ISRM L-HP-1, L-HP-2 thru L-HP-6.

Pickett Flat Lens Sizes 1-2-3
ISRM L-PI-1, L-PI-2, L-PI-3.

Pickett Grooved Flat Lens Sizes 4-5-6-7
ISRM L-PI-4, L-PI-5, L-PI-6. L-PI-7.

Pickett Convex Lens Sizes 8-9-10
ISRM L-PI-8, L-PI-9, L-PI-10.

K&E All-glass cursor lens (pre 1936) Sizes 1-2-3-4-5
ISRM L-KE-1, L-KE-2 thru L-KE-5.

K&E Metal Framed Cursor Lenses (1936+) Sizes 6-7-8-9-10
ISRM L-KE-6, L-KE-7 thru L-KE-10.

K&E 408X/409X hybrid lens.(prototype)
A replica lens resembling the flat all-glass cursor lens, but has the same hole pitch top and bottom of the 1936 wide-stock duplex metal frame cursor. Can be used to replace corroded or broken frames on existing OEM blocks or the replica K&E duplex blocks

K&E 4053/407X/408X/409X hybrid lens.
ISRM L-KH-12, L-KH-13, L-KH-14
An updated replica lens resembling the flat all-glass cursor lens, but has the same hole pitch top and bottom of the 1936 wide-stock duplex metal frame cursor. Can be used to replace corroded or broken frames on existing OEM blocks or the replica K&E duplex blocks. it has the sides cutout to get the hairline past the index marks. 408X and 409X versions are identical.
L-KH-12 4053 STL Files
L-KH-13 407X STL Files
L-KH-14 408X STL Files

Dietzgen All-glass and Metal Framed cursor lens Sizes 1-2-3-4-5
ISRM L-DI-1, L-DI-2 thru L-DI-5.

Acu-Math Frameless plastic cursor lens.
Replica 3-D printed Cursor blocks.
Requires cleaning of the pilot hole with a #53 (0.595 in dia) drill and threaded with a 1-72 UNF tap.
In some cases a new hole must be matched drilled using a lens or frame as a guide.
Replacement Screws.
Cursor Springs and Retainers.
Pocket Watch MainSprings 16 Size. (2.8 mm wide)
Vintage New Old Stock mainsprings are available on ebay.
The "Size" refers to the case size or style of the pocket watch, not the dimensions of the mainspring inside.
Pocket Watch Sizes
Annealing the mainsprings.
To form a tempered spring you need to anneal (soften the spring steel, by heating the metal past
cherry red and and allow it to cool slowly, in order to remove internal stresses.
Unwind the spring straight with two pairs of pliers so you don't burn yourself, and run it slowly through a flame.
My kitchen stove is handy. The annealed metal will now stay straight.
Drilling and Forming Spring.
The annealed flat spring can be drilled with a quality drill bit and formed with needle-nose pliers.
The Spring can be cut with a pair of scissors, formed, and in this case. an 0-80 screw was used as a retaining pin. It was pressed in with pliers.
Captive Fastening Pin for replica Cursors.
McMaster Carr 90367A114 PEM Fastener TK4-10-250 18-8 Stainless Steel Captive Fastening Pins for Soft Materials.
I used this teeny pin with a low profile head for attaching a replica flat spring to a cursor block. It needs a press fit. Drill a 0.051" hole in the spring and a 0.039" hole in the cursor block.
Demonstration Slide Rule Cursors.
Copyright © 2003-
International Slide Rule Museum