Since we've reached this milestone, we will begin to extract photos from yearbooks and putting them in their own gallery.
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Row #001

Robert Herndon, Aircraft Engineer featured in 1957 Life Magazine

Dr. Katherine Blodgett, GE scientist who invented invisible anti-glare glass (1948 Life)

Dr. Lyman Spitzer, Jr. (1914-1997) Astrophysicist, Princeton.
Driving force behind the Hubbel Space telescope. (1948 Life photo)

Virginia Sink (c1975), Engineer at Chrysler, designed the first auto smog devices.
1936 Univ. of Colorado, chemical engineering.(SME)

USMA Instructor Giving a Cadet an Electric Motor Demonstration (1941 Life)
Row #002

USMA Cadets (at West Point) Marching With Slide Rules (1941 Life)

USMA Cadets Analyze a Bridge Model (1941_Life)

USMA Cadets at a Lecture on Radio Waves (1941 Life)

Professor Joseph Gabrys lecturing to engineering students (1949)

Women Engineers at Illinois Bell telephone (c1955)
Row #003

Marly Van Leer Peck, The Lady Engineer (1957_Life)

James F. Hunt of the 1951 Brooklyn Grand Jury

Dr. Harvey White, 1958 NBC TV show Continental Classroom

Dr. Harvey White, 1958 NBC TV show Continental Classroom

Catherine Eiden (1914-1990) at Bell Telephone Company, later a professor at
University of Texas. Society of Women Engineers (SME) President 1960-1969.
Row #004

Dustin E. Morris (1939-2017) With Father's Slide Rule. Submitted by Nancy Morris, who gifted his collection to ISRM. He worked as an adult at Motorola and was active in amateur radio: W7ITM.

Emilio Gino Segre (Emilio Segre Visual Archives)

Dr. Robert Goddard (1882-1954) American Rocketry Pioneer

Otto Struve (Emilio Segre Visual Archives)

Betty Lou Bailey (1929-2007), Mechanical engineer, worked for 44 years at General
Electric (picture c1950-1959) in hydropower applications. River preservationalist.
SWE Fellow and Pioneer.
Row #005

Celestron Pacific Ad (June 1962)

Jules Gueron (Emilio Segre Visual Archives)

Pudue 1942 Aeronautic Structures Class

Woman Engineer using an Aristo Drum Cylindrical Slide Rule

Lydia J. Pickup at Boeing Co., Seattle (1968), Past Society of Women Engineers (SWE) President
Row #006

Joseph Griffith Reed (1867-1969) Australian Physicist and Radio Engineer.
Designed the Reed Electronic engineer's slide rule

Sir James Hopwood Jeans (1877-1946), British Physicist and Mathematician,
First to propose that matter is continuously created throughout the universe.
(courtesy of Peter Hopp)

Ir. S.G.J.H. van Schaik (1943) Managing Director of AKU,
(Algemene Kunstzijde Unie), later AKZU, in Holland. Painted by
the Dutch artist Carel Willink (1900-1983). (courtesy of Peter Hopp)

Portrait of an unknown gentleman painted by the well-known and prolific
painter William Derby, (1786-1847).

Detroit?s Industry by Diego Rivera, Detroit Institute of Arts,
2007, presumed to be of Henry Ford. (courtesy of Bryan Purcell and peter Hopp)
Row #007

Univ of Missouri Society Of Women Engineers (1972)

Univ of Missouri Society Of Women Engineers Float (1980)

U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Cadet with K&E Decilon SR from 1973 Yearbook.
Courtesy of Jeff Ilseman, class of 1975.

Cadet Douglas Jenkins, US Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Class of 1964 (photo by Fred Malmstrom, NMI Civ USAFA/CWCH)

Constance Badington Smith, RAF (1944) First to identify the V1 pulse-jet flying bomb
Row #008

Slide rule in use (1950) Aeronatical Systems Center

Pudue 1942 Aeronautic Structures Class

William Hartree, father of Douglas Hartree (Late 1930s)

Japanese Students In a National Slide Rule Contest.

WWII Bombadier captain plotting adjustments for wind drift in nose of B-17 bomber (1942)
Row #009

Thomas Jefferson HS, Port Arthur, TX, Slide Rule Club (1960)

W. Kuybysheva, Russian Chemical Engineer 1936 (Kuibyshev Industrial Institute)

National Council Of Reserve Officers In Brazil c1940

Prof.N.S. Stefutin, Secretary M.V. Ivanov, Assoc V.K. Shahno, St Petersburg State Polytechnical Univ

German scientist (1946)
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Row #010

Los Alamos AntiProton Equipment (1955) From left, Emilio Segr?Clyde Wiegand, Edward Lofgren,
Owen Chamberlain,
and Thomas Ypsilantis, members of the team that discovered the antiproton
...more at lbl.gov

St Leonards_School, Warlingham, Surrey (1967) by Bob Hope Daily Herald (Science & Society)

UTO Factory Article (Danish) contributed by IJ Schuitema

UTO Factory Article (Danish) contributed by IJ Schuitema

Air Force crews plotting course for operation Big Lift (1963)
Row #011

Crick And Watson (1953) by Antony Barrington Brown

Crick And Watson (1953) by Antony Barrington Brown

Crick And Watson (1953) by Antony Barrington Brown

Slide Rule Club (1963), Pasmona High School, Vancouver, B.C. 1963 United States Champions

WWII Submarine Coning Tower (1943).
Row #012
Sir Franck WHITTLE (1907-1996) British Engineer

Franck Whittle with Slide Rule Painting

Sir Franck Whittle Turbine Portrait

MIT students taking calculus exam (1956)

MIT students studying in dorm room (1956)
Row #013

Hall Hibbard (left) and Clarence "Kelly" Leanord Johnson (1910-1990) holding a K&E or Dietzgen
slide rule. Both looking at a blueprint of the the Lockheed Constellation. Kelly Johnson was the
engineer on 42 of the most famous planes in aviation history, including the P-38 Lightning,
Constellation, the U2 and the SR71), which all were designed using slide rules.
Pictures of his airplanes

USAF Test Pilot School, Edwards AFB (c1950)

USAF Test Pilot School, Edwards AFB (c1950)

Unknown Rocketeers With Slide Rule

British RAF liaison officers at US 8th Air Force Bomber Command (1942)
Row #014

Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule Clubs (1958) Page 80 Picture 1

Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule Clubs (1958) Page 80 Picture 2

Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule and Alpha-Omega Clubs (1959) Page 77

Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule and Alpha-Omega Clubs (1959) Page 76 Picture 1

Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule and Alpha-Omega Clubs (1959) Page 76 Picture 2
Row #015

Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule and Alpha-Omega Clubs (1959) Page 78 Picture 1

Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule and Alpha-Omega Clubs (1959) Page 78 Picture 2

Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule and Alpha-Omega Clubs (1959) Page 78 Picture 3

Slide Rule On Hip - Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule and Alpha-Omega Clubs (1959) Page 78 Picture 4

Carrollton HS, TX (1960) Slide Rule Clubs Page 128 Picture 1
Row #016

Carrollton HS, TX (1960) Slide Rule Clubs Page 128 Picture 2

Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule Clubs (1958) Pg082

Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule Clubs (1959) Pg079

Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule and Alpha-Omega Clubs (1959) Pg08

Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule Clubs (1960) Pg131
Row #017

Offenhauser Racing Engines. Engineers: Louis Meyer, Leo Goossen and Dale Drake

Chet Chin with Classrom Demonstrator Slide Rule

Japanese worker making Hemmi SR's (linked to pre-1940 manufacturing process)

Peter Sellers in Dr. Strangelove (1964) Columbia Pictures. He is calculating
the time people must spend underground, using the half life of something
called "Cobalt Thorium G" He comes up with 100 years.

1965 movie Flight Of The Phoenix starring Jimmy Stewart.
Row #018

Iowa State Slide Rule Class (1934)

Englewood High School class K&E 1933 Catalog)

Prospector Yearbook (1970), Colorado School Of Mines, Golden, Colorado.
(contributed by Brian Mack)

Mathcraft_Set Advertisement.

Two color radar (1948).
Row #019

Smithsonian Air and Space Museum Display, Slide_Rules

NASA Display, Astronaut Neil Armstrong's Slide Rule (Apollo 11)
Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1906-1965) Chief Designer Of Soviet Spacecraft

Smithsonian Air and Space Museum Display, Sergei P. Korolev (Nestler Nr37 Electro Slide rule)

Smithsonian Air and Space Museum Display, Wernher Von Braun (Nestler Nr37 Electro Slide rule)
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Row #020

1908 Giant Cylindrical Slide Rule comprising two wheels with scales on the outside edge.
Each can rotate separately from the other, with a foot operated brake to lock the wheels
while transfering calculations. The diameter looks to be about 4 feet which gives a scale length of 150 inches,or 15 times the length of a standard slide rule.

Univ of Cincinnati Computer Science

Danforth W. Hagler (VP) Georgia Iron Works, designer of the Hydraulic Slide Rule by Pickett (now at ISRM)

Gilbert Newton Lewis (1902) MIT Museum

William Hultz Walker (1869-1934) MIT Museum (Chemical Engineering)
Row #021

Loyd Photo as student (1959) Slide Rule and Desk

Calculating by slide rule (EPA 1973) Archive Research Catalog

NCF Class Using Slide Rules (1965)

Joe Pasquale, shown as Student in 1976 at WHS, now a professor at UCSD.

Randolph Community College, Instructor Ronald Biddle, Electrical Maintenance Students (1964)
Row #022

Pedro Perez kneels and checks the workings of a 320-foot-long wooden slide rule in front of Alvirne High School, Hudson, New Hampshire on March 22, 1979.
The Guinness Book of World Records shows it in the 1980 edition. From an article published April 21, 2010 by David Brooks Nashua Telegraph

1977 Longest Slide Rule of 12 Meters, Clarence T. Hay, Randy R. and Jeff H. Meyer
Of Huron Heights Secondary School, New Market, Ontario, Canada

350 foot 6.6 inch long Slide Rule enters Guiness Book February 28, 2001, It was 300 lbs, designed by
Skip Solberg And Jay Francis and constructed in the Lockeed-Martin Aircraft Assembly Facility
at Air Force Plant 4 in Fort Worth, Texas

Charles Lester Reynolds, NASA Seminar July, 2006

Colin Barnes of UKSRC in a 1966 article. (England)
Row #023

Illinois Institute Of Technology (IIT) Electrical Engineering Class (1900-1909). IIT was previously, Armour Institute, Lewis Institute, Institute of Design and Illinois Tech. Ref:Wikipedia

Illinois Institute Of Technology (IIT) Math Auditorium (1900-1909) IIT was previously, Armour Institute, Lewis Institute, Institute of Design and Illinois Tech. Ref:Wikipedia

Illinois Institute of Technology Engineering Class (1941). IIT was previously, Armour Institute, Lewis Institute, Institute of Design and Illinois Tech. Ref: Wikipedia

Dietzgen Drafting Table with Slide Rule

Popular Mechanics Article showing motor driven slide rule.
Row #024

Slide Rule Club (1963) Rockdale, TX

College Student c1940-1950

Slide Rule shown in 1972 Enerjet Rocketry Catalog

Maiko (Japan), holding an old DIWA Model 1

Ir. IJzebrand Schuitema (one of the world's foremost authorities)
Slide Rule Display in the Netherlands - Dutch KRING
Row #025

Orbitometer Satellite Slide Rule to track Sputnik in 1957. Made by St. Joseph High School Radio Club
Cleveland, Ohio. Dennis Tommasone and Dennis Skala discuss the Orbitometer with Moderator Mike Stimac. Photo by Fred Imm.

Apollo 13 Mission Control (NASA)

Slide Rule Scenes From the Movie Apollo 13 - Watch for slide rules
being used in mission control

Apollo 13 Ground Team Works out solution to return Astronauts to Earth before the batteries die. Slide Rule shown on left.

Teacher Pointing to Pickett Demo rule (ISRG)
Row #026

John Martin Wolfskill (1908-1981) Slide Rule

John Wesley Cell SlideRule (1960) NCSU

J.R. Hoff at the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama (1982) in front of an AN/TMQ-5 Radiosonde Recorder.
The slide rule was used for computing dew point temperatures in the upper atmosphere. The large circular slide rule on
top the Control Recorder (to his right) was used in computing wind data values.

Lawrence (Larry) Luckham at Bell Labs (1960's)

"Slide Rule Charlie" Charles Lepchinsky GWU c1950
Row #027

Man With Two 20inch Slide Rules.1941 (GettyImages)

Rlide Rule Pedestrian, photo by Eric Wong, Univ Of Utah

WWII British WAAF with Weather Pilot Ballon Predicting Weather. 1941 Getty Image

MIT Slide Rule Class (1997)

Wolfgang Leistritz Engineer In Leipzig, Germany (1960)
Row #028

Teaching_Mathematics c1957

Teaching_Mathematics c1957
Hamburger Professional School, Germany (1961)

Brewer's Gauging Rule

Slide Rule Watch on Apollo Astronaut on the Moon (left arm) NASA
Row #029

From a Dennert and Pape catalog. D&P became Aristo. (Germany)

1936 class 6C of the Real gymnasium. Contributor Paul Wirz is a student in this class (Switzerland).

See 1944 clip Students using SR's (ref archive films)

Ruth Roman handles Van Johnson's slide rule in the movie "Invitation" (1951)

Dana Andrews in the movie "I Want You" (1950)
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Row #030

MIT Tech Talk - Deborah Douglas shows slide rules in MIT Museum

2001 LA Times article featuring pictures of Bob Otnes collection with interviews from
collectors Tom Wyman, Eric Mancotte, Craig Watkins, Michael O'Leary, and Berrie Ripin.
Scan by Eric Mancotte

J?n Nestler (Great Grandson of Albert Nestler) in German Museum. J?n
is an Oughtred Society member.

J?n Nestler (Great Grandson of Albert Nestler)
in March 2, 2007 Newspaper feature article.

Nestler 1966 School Catalog Cover(Contributed By J?n Nestler)
Row #031

Walnut Hills HS Cincinnati,OH John_Betz presents his work (1957)

Walnut Hills HS Cincinnati,OH - Student Gretchen Hovemeyer presents before Calculus Class (1957)

Walnut Hills HS Cincinnati,OH - Student Gretchen Hovemeyer presents before Calculus Class (1957)

Walnut Hills HS Cincinnati, OH. Good View of K&E Model 100 Demonstration Rule

Richard Marianis Calculus Essay Class (c1957)
Row #032

Richard Marianis Calculus Essay Class (c1957)

Richard Marianis Calculus Essay Class (c1957)

Instructor shows use of E6-B for Navigation Training at Kelley Field, TX (1942)

Student Navigator Plotting a Course, Kelley Field, TX (1942)

Army and Navy men attending a Radio Engineering class at Capitol Radio Institute (1941)
Row #033

Materials given to Student Navigators, Kelley Field, TX (1942). Note the E6-B and a K&E 4070 slide rule.

Student Navigator Looking for landmarks in flight, Kelley Field, TX (1942)

Student Navigator verifying flight path, Kelley Field, TX (1942)

Student Navigator communicating flight data to pilot, Kelley Field, TX (1942)

Navigator and Radio Operator Plotting a Course.
Row #034

Aristo catalog (1970) Lufthansa

Aristo catalog (1970) Lufthansa

Aristo catalog (1965) "Getting the answer faster"

Aristo catalog (1965) "Getting the answer faster"

Aristo catalog (1965)
Row #035

From BBC's production of The Last Days Of Steam

From BBC's documentary of Frank Loyd Wright

Cipher Slide Rule, Life Mag

Communications Post Fort Bragg, By Bernard Hoffman, Life

Boeing 707 Flight Engineer
Row #036

Fortune Magazine, United Engineers, Artist:Stanley Meltzoff

Norwich Union, Fullers in use (can you find them all?)


Glen Elgin Distillery (c1892)

Indicator In Use from The Steam Engine by John Perry (1902) McMillan & Co
Row #037

Pooleys Demonstration Flight Computer (still available for £375/$560)

Tennessee Tech (c1950) Yearbook

GEC Publicity Cathode Ray Tube

Star Trek Mr. Spock uses E6B

Star Trek Mr. Spock uses E6B (two frames)
Row #038

Electronic Engineeering 1958 G&E Bradley Ad

Faber-Castell, 1997 Article: A Slide Rule Was An Everyday Tool

Chemistry In Action, D.C. Heath Co. Boston 1958

Dudley Williams, Sir Frank Whittle and J.C.B.(Col) Tinling

Baldessano Plotting Fire Mission, B 1/77th FDC Artillery Vietnam 1970
Row #039

Joshua Routledge (1773-1829)created the Routledge Engineer's
Slide Rule circ 1805 and invented the Rotary Steam Engine, Bolton Library portrait.

Portrait of Joshua Routledge 1773-1829. Painter unknown. Original stored in Bolton Museum Art Gallery Archives..

Sir Stanley Hooker (1907-1984) On Right with John Heniott and Frank Whittle (c1942 )

Rex K. Pierson - Chief Designer at Vickers Aviation, Weybridge c1930

Sir Barnes Wallis (1887-1979)
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Row #040

Sir Barnes Wallis (1887-1979)

Academy Award winner Gordon H. Cook c1960 Chief Lens Designer, Cooke Optics Ltd, Leicester

George Bousfield (1856-1902) c1887_Vade Mecum Slide Rule

Frederic (1900-1958) and Irene (1897-1956) Joliot-Curie, daughter and son-in-law of Marie Curie

Dmitri Maksutov (1896-1964) Pulkovo Observatory Russia c1950
Row #041

Reginald Aubrey Fessenden (1866-1932)1st Two way Transatlantic communication

Robert A. Heinlein at home with Slide Rule (1950's) featured on the Sci-Fi Channel series "Prophets Of Science Fiction", 3-1-2012. This is a photo off the TV screen, of a photo in RAH's personal album.

Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) Science Fiction Author with Slide Rule

Enrico Fermi (1901-1954) Manhattan Project

Enrico Fermi USA stamps, first issiue cover 2001
Row #042

Frederick David Edwards CBE (1889-1966) Father Of High Vacuum

Austin Packard Farrar (1913-2004) Inventor Of The Pulpit On Modern Yachts

Jules Dujardin (1857-1947) Oenologie Catalog 1928

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) in Salon 1886, Dujardin Catalog 1928

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) in Salon 1886, Dujardin Catalog 1928
Row #043

Time Magazine Aug1943 Abbot Burns Designer Of Graphical Firing Table Slide Rule for Artillery

Edward Teller (1908-2003) Weapons Designer

Don Charlwood 1943 Author Of: No Moon Tonight at Navigators Table, Lancaster

Thomas J. Watson (1874-1956) with Frederick L. Fuller of IBM

Gerry Openshaw G2BTO working at Wartime RSS DF (radio) Station
Row #044

Bill Hewlett (d2001) and David Packard (d1996) c1939, founders of Hewlett-Packard (HP)

Bill Hewlett, co founder of Hewlett-Packard, Holds an early Pickett
magnesium slide rule on the 20th anniversery (1992) of the HP-35 Electronic Slide Rule which made the slide rule obsolete.

Trevor Baylis, UK Inventor Of Wind Up Radio,Photo By Alex Benwall, Times 2003

William Russell (1920-2006) of Russell-Hobbs, Founded 1952

Reimar Horten (c1920-1994) Designed the WWII Era German Ho229 Flyingwing Jet Aircraft c1945
Row #045

Zepplin Anton Witteman (Navigator), Dr. Hugo Eckener (Captain) LZ126 Los Angeles 1924

Loga User From De Loga Calculators by Nico Smallenburg 2004

Loga User From De Loga Calculators by Nico Smallenburg 2004

NASA engineers Alphonso Stewart, left; Ken Iliff, center; and Dale Reed, right; were part of the Langley center's X-15 lifting body aircraft study group. All three were pioneers in their respective fields.

NASA X15 Engineers Ken Iliff and Dale Reed, Langley Lenticular Lifting Body
Row #046

Society Of Women Engineers

Le Tourneau Technical Institute, Texas. Slide Rule Class

IIT Engineering Class Using Slide Rules1941

The Mimes (c1913) University Of Michigan

Berkeley University Coed Showing Pickett Slide Rule
Row #047

Stephen Swenson, University Of Wisconsin 1970s

North Carolina State University 1970s

Escola Americana, Rio de Janiero. Carioca 1950 Yearbook, Seniors: Wiczek and Stekley

Bergschule Bochum School Of Mines, Germany c1960

Bergschule Bochum School Of Mines, Germany c1960
Row #048

Resonance Measurement Article, Westermanns Monatshefte, July1969

Michigan State University faculty compares a K&E Model 100 demonstration slide rule from 1960 with their computer.

US Dept Of Health Education And Welfare Booklet office Of Education 1963

D&P Frederick Mueller (1922-1975) and Rolf Jaeger (1914-1979)

D&P Reinhard Klein from 55 Years Of D&P
Row #049

Aristo Quality Control 1972 Brochure

Greg Cosimini collector,April 1996, Twin Cities Collector

Harry V Keefe Jr 1922 - From American Banker, Dec1922. Founder of Keefe, Bruyete And Woods Investment Bank

Ralph Rawlings, Tasmania, collector. Australian Post 26-11-87

Giovanni Pastore,Italy. collector. From Times Higher Education Supplement 14-05-04
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Row #050

Dave Kenney, the founder of National Lampoon, made a parody of a High Scool Yerbook in 1964, which shows a Slide Rule Club 1964. The class prophecy that Gilbert Scrabbler and Belinda Heinke win the Nobel Prize for "inventing a nuclear-powered car that drives itself where you tell it to..."), [The car is available now].

Ron Manley from Men And Collections c2001

Gerald Stancey UKSRC 1956

David Grey UKSRC, Winner Of European Speed Slide Rule Contest 2002

David Grey UKSRC
Row #051

Werner Rudowski UKSRC, Working In Japan

Werner Rudowski UKSRC, SR Exhibition In Bochum, Germany 1991

Werner Rudowski UKSRC, SR Exhibition In Bochum Germany 1991

Francis Wells UKSRC 1999

Peter Hopp UKSRC at Smithsonian Institute Math History Museum 2002
Row #052

Tom Wyman, Oughtred Society, Presenting To School 2006

Herman van Herwijnen (1929-2004) UKSRC with Demonstration Slide Rules

Richard Smith Hughes UKSRC, Chief Designer Of Shrike Missile Electronics

Hugh Tidy (d2005) UKSRC c1956

John V. Knott (1919-2005) UKSRC from Collectomania
Row #053

Clay Castleberry OS UKSRC 2007

Paul Wirz Real gymnasium Basil Switzerland, before (1936) and after (1998).

Michael West UKSRC Managing Director of Frome Tool And Gauge Co, Somerset

John Rendell UKSRC, c1959 As a Young Man Being Shown How To Use SR,Womans Own Magazine

David Whythe UKSRC 1980, Inventor Of Whythe Complex Number Slide Rule
Row #054

Rechenschieber Sammler Treff (RST) Meeting at Alten School

First European Open Slide Rule Competition, Leamington Spa, 27-OCT-2002

Pre-UKSRC 1989, Jim Andrews,Werner Rudowski,John Knot, Dr. Brian Lloyd, and RichardKnight

Pre-UKSRC 1989,The Beginning Of UKSRC

Guenter Kugel RST, 2004 From Nordrhein-Westfalen
Row #055

Man Holding Plow Plane And Two Foot Ruler With Slide

Keisan Team Slide Rule, Kanazawa Municiple Technical High School, Japan

2006 Ch4 TV Series On Returning To Old Fashioned Teaching Methods

Lane Community College, Oregon c1970

Syracuse University Professors Inspect A Thacher Cylindrical Slide Rule
Row #056

1985-86 TV Series Mapp And Lucia Showing Fuller Slide Rule

1964-68 TV Series Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea with actor Richard Basehart

Jed Hartman playing with Slide Rule as an infant

1954 Ealing File The Maggie starring Paul Douglas

1970s TV Series UFO actor Ed Bishop holding Slide Rule
Row #057

July 2005 Readers Digest About The Curta by Cliff Stoll

Secret War by Brian Johnson 1979, 1940-41 English Navigator Doing Dead Reckoning

Battle Of Britian by Len Deighton 1980, German Aircrew Planning Attack c1940

Russian Women Radio Operators Relaying Tracking Information Avito.ru Photo

Air Navigation by Herbert S. Zim, 1943 US Army Pilots Doing Dead Reckoning Flight Planning
Row #058

German Luftwaffe Crew Plotting Course Using Dreieckrechner

German Luftwaffe Navigators Using Dreieckrechner

Air Traffic Controller The World At War Sep 1939-April 1944

Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Pilots 1943 Flight International Aug 1989

German Enigma Being Decoded 1940 The Secret War by Brian Johnson 1979
Row #059

German Enigma Being Decoded 1940 The Secret War by Brian Johnson 1979

Gaugers At Work from Round London by George Newness 1866

Guagers At Work Customs And Excise History Network Crown

William Henry Fowler or Harold Fowler at Fowler Factory 1905

From Chemistry In Action D.C. Heath Co. Boston 1958
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Row #060

Jules Dujardin And Assistant, Alcohol Measurment Dujardin Paris Catalog 1928

BBC TV Series The Great War - No25 Artillery Slide Rule

Czech Artillery Spotters WWII

British Artillery Spotters In Malta WWII

Photo of Lt.A. Becket And Lee And Myself Observing, Shoeburyness July 1901
Row #061

Applied Observation Of Fire MKVI c1902-03

Artillery Course Shoeburyness 1901

5th Army M/Sgt Frank E. Rogore And Major Ivan E. Jackson, Sessa Italy 1944

Railway Workers Steam Engineers c1890

Georgia Institute Of Technology, Slide Rule And Planimeter
Row #062

Engineer - US Dept Labor from National Compensation Survey

2002 Braintree And Witham Times, Charity Fancy-Dress Cross-Country Flight

2002 Classic Racer BSA Team At IOM-TT 1921 No Slide Rules Graffiti on wall

Cornell University'a Annual Dragon Day Parade (2000) with Giant Slide Rule

Adam Hart-Davis uses Astrolab TV Series What The Tudors Did For Us
Row #063

'Dad's' Big Slide Rule (name Unknown)

Flight Path Sci-Fi Movie 1969

Elyria (Ohio) High School Scholarship Winners 1957

KE Demo SR with Woman

Clayton State University, Georgia 2004 Yellow Slide Rule Award Recipients. A traveling trophy given to staff members for a somewhat humorous action.
Row #064

John Madl Scholarship, John gives Versalog Demo Rule to Lake Superior State University Engineering department

Lear Jet Captain Shows Flight Officer How To Use Slide Rule (from Bob Soltis)

London Science Museum sliderule display

7 foot Pickett Demonstration Slide Rule transported on a BMW Motorcycle

Dad's (name unknown) Slide Rule, was used around 1945, then recently given to his son.
Row #065

University of Tasmania Demo SR

Rodger Shepard And Thomas Wyman Holding Welch Demo Slide Rule.
Both Gentleman members of the Oughtred Society.

US Naval Academy 1953

US Naval Academy 1955, Midshipmen Steve Kaiser

Artur Ewert (Germany/GDR) Looks at his Reiss Slide Rule that he designed c1969
Row #066

McCarran Airport Museum, Las Vegas, NV. B-17 Load Adjuster Slide Rule in Display.(Photo By R.Morris)

Wojciech Sawicki Lectures On Slide Rules, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, June 2008

Suwak Logarytmiczny (Logarithmith Slider) Collection Of Wojciech Sawicki, Warsaw Technological University, Poland

Polish Magazine Article on Wojciech Sawicki's Display at Warsaw polytechnic 2005 (PDF)

Mike Konshak shows current and past technology for Louisville Times
(Colorado) article on 10-7-2009 about his 2009 Oughtred Society Award.
Row #067

Spanish Military Plays with pet dog and Slide Rule. circa WWII. Contributed by Jose Robledo, Spain.

Dr. Werner Schmidt and Werner Girbart, in Greifswald, Germany,
show their 2009 Oughtred Society Award as printed in the Donerstag Newspaper.

Star Trek's Mr. Spock with aviation Slide Rule

Star Trek Crew with Circular Slide Rules

Star Trek Crew with Circular Slide Rules
Row #068

Ray (Last name unknown) With Pickett DEmo SR at MIT Cardinal And Grey Event 2009. (Flickr: BarbaraJean)

Georgia Tech Alumni House Display. (Flickr: The_Varners)

WW2 Radar Research Museum Display. (Flikr: Bob_the_bolder)

Sliderule Exhibit, Bay Model Visitors Center Sausalito, California (Flikr: MaryMactavish)

Collector Peter Owen and his Post Versalog Demonstration Slide Rule.
Row #069

Officer Demonstrating Slide Rule For Field Calculations. Fort Sill, Oklahoma. 1944. Thomas D. Mcavoy Photo

Xavier Theurillat - Inventor Of The Astronomic Slide Rule. laChaux-de-Fonds 1955

Adult Education Class At Oak Park And River Forest High School. Oak Park, Chicago, Illinois. November 1959

Professor Evan Being Knighted by Engineering Students With A Giant Slide Rule. Canada

Citizen Seminar At Boston College. February 28, 1963. Dan Goshtigian Photo
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Row #070

HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- George Gregory, current 746th Test Squadron Operations Flight chief, works on a calculation using a slide rule to provide instrumentation support for a rocket sled project in 1962, at his office at the High Speed Test Track. Mr. Gregory worked at Holloman's test track for the first eight of his 50 years with the 46th Test Group. While working at the test track, one of Mr. Gregory's first assignments was to provide instrumentation support for the evaluation of the Atlas Missile's inertial navigation system. Complete story

Pratt Institute Students Using K&E 101 Demo Slide Rule

Linus Pauling 20 inch Slide Rule. Oregon State University Libraries - Special Collections Reading Room

Mexia High School, Mexia, Texas. Class of 1959. Slide Rule Club (Flickr: macavityabc)

J.C. Carter Self portrait (1956) Mirfield, West Yorkshire, UK.
Row #071

Eugene (last name unknown) at desk. Post Versalog Under Book. (Flikr: Randall_T)

Artillery Slide Rule in the museum on the Battleship USS New Jersey.

Iowa State Univ (1942) Slide Rule Display from the VEISHEA Open House in the Division Engineering.

Computer History Museum, Mountainview California. Slide Rule Exhibit. Many of these donated by the ISRM.

Pickett Demo SR Black Rock 2007 (Flickr: Phrynosoma)
Row #072

Screenshots from the "Mission: Impossible" TV series. Starting with the third session (1968) the protagonist, the character Jim Phelps, uses a new photo of the character called Bernard Barney Collier in the Dossier Scene. In the new photograph Barney is holding a slide rule. Barney (actor Greg Morris) was the owner of 'Collier Electronics', the first season dossier, Contributed by David Huff

Montage of UTO Slide Rule Factory pictures. Contributed by I.J.Schuiteme

KE Model 101 Demo SR helf by Cousin of Mark and Bert (Flickr)

Slide Rule Christmas Present (Flickr: ironklad)

Scenes from the movie Tuskegee Airmen, (1995, HOB). Training session shows K&E
Demonstration Slide Rule in background.
Row #073

International Meeting of Rechschieber and Calulators Collectors (2001) at
Deutsches Museum, Munich. High School Students learn about slide rules.

RST (German Speaking Slide Rule Collectors) Meeting (2005) Hamburg's Museum, Germany
teach students slide rules.

Ben-Nejat and Turkish Friends with Aristo Studio Slide Rules (1967) Netherlands.

Professor A.M. (LIFE Images) Circular Slide Rule Shown (c1930)

German Mathematik Katalog (2006-2007) with slide rule teaching tools for math.
Row #074

Circular Slide Rule for Navigation shown in the Movie Memphis Belle

Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin in Gemini 12 capsule with weightless Pickett pocket slide rule. November 13, 1966.
(Note: Previously listed as Apollo 11 from 1969)

rs-Vitrinen Und Demostab-gross (Musuem exhibit in Germany)

Aristo 903LL Rechenschieber zu Demonstrationszwecken.
(Children being shown a demonstration Aristo 903LL slider rule)

Dr. Presper Eckert (left) creator of ENIAC computer. Engineer leaning on post holds a slide rule.
Row #075

Newspaper article about collector Walter Shawlee in Canada.

Cover to the German book Der Rechenstab und seine Verwendung (1970) by Dr.Helmar Lehmann.

From a Cleveland Institute of Electronics correspondence school Pamphlet (1969)

Movie The Hindenburg (1975) George C. Scott Inspects Passenger's Circular Sliderule, thinking it
was used for coded messages of a corporate spy. It turns out it was for betting on horses. Time frame 1937.

Professor Bergman with Hemmi 262P. 1970 TV Series Space 1999
Row #076

Nestler Factory (Slide Rule) Quality Control Inspector

Nestler Factory (Slide Rule) (Rechenstab Endkontrolle) - Worker adjusting Cursor to Index mark

Jürgen Nestler (Right) stands next to Mayor (left) of Lahr, Germany. Opening day of Nestler Exhibit.

Opening day of Nestler Exhibit at Lahr Museum - Lahr, Germany.

Opening day of Nestler Exhibit at Lahr Museum - Lahr, Germany. Attendees look at demonstration slide rule.
Row #077

Uchida Yoko Corporation Museum's innovative Projection Table. Project manager Nobuhiko Hirayama demonstrates by placing a small block that contains an image of a slide rule on the table, and an RIFD
chip tells a computer what to display on the table top. (2007)

From Popular Electronics - June 1958 Article about Electronic Computers
Full Article (1.4 MB PDF)

2001 Sexiest Geek. Mill's college Professor Ellen Spertus
wears her dad's (graduate of MIT) slide rule holstered to leg at awards pageant.

Harry T. Gisborne is shown using an early fire danger meter to predict forest fire activity in Kaniksu National Forest in 1937. Gisborne engineered this simple slide rule-like device that USFS foresters could carry with them in the field. The meter made fire prediction easy and accessible, with consistent results. The meter shown in the panel is a 1954 model 8-W.

Two accountants using Swiss Daemon-Schmid (Loga) Cylindrical Slide Rule in the
Tabulating Office of the French 1911 Census. picture courtesy of
J.F. Ptak Books
Row #078

Hoboken (New Jersey) Historical Museum,
K&E Exhibit Flyer Jan 31 - Dec23, 2010.
Slide rules for the tours are supplied by the ISRM.

In Like Flint 1967 Movie. Derek Flint (James Coburn) pulls a Slide Rule
(in the form of a measuring tape) out of his multi-function watch. He's calculating the
heartbeat rate of Russian astronauts. He determines they are females.

William S. Roe of the 66th Engineer Topographic Company (Japan) Using a Slide Rule.
Bill Roe later helped to found the National Association of Rocketry (NAR#13).

Bob Barley (Left) and John Roe (w/Pith Helmet) members of 1959 NAR Peak City Section, Reduces Altitude Data With Slide Rule

Circular Slide Rule used by navigator in 1990 Movie Hunt For red October starring Sean Connery.
Row #079

Calculating with slide rule inside u.s. weather
service van. Personnel run checks on weather from information received from thermasondes
released 45 minutes before release of tetroons. Los Angeles Reactive Pollutant Program (LARPP, Sep 1973),

Sir Frederick Handley Page (1885-1962). In 1909 he turned his shed in Gloustershire, England into Great
Britian's first publicly traded aircraft company, Handley Page, Ltd which prospered into the jet age.

Slide Rule shown on witness stand, Dragnet TV Show (1967-1970) Contributed By Craig Kielhofer (ISRG Yahoo Group)

Teacher with Pickett Slide Rule, Contributed By Craig Kielhofer (ISRG Yahoo Group)

Marie Smith, lab technician at Billings Hospital in Chicago (1942-44) using a K&E 4053-5 20 inch long slide rule. Contributed by her daughter Linda Jacobson,
Forest City, IA
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Row #080

Clay Castleberry (1947) at Oregon State College (now OSU), Corvallis, OR.
Clay is now retired and a SR collector, Fellow of the Oughtred Society and contributor
to the ISRM.

Slide rules in action (footage circa 1960) seen on TV during the 2010 program Modern Marvels Episode:"The Grid"
about the development of the United States power grid.

Slide rules in action (footage circa 1960) seen on TV during the 2010 program Modern Marvels Episode:"The Grid"
about the development of the United States power grid.

Slide rules in action (footage circa 1960) on TV during the 2010 program Modern Marvels Episode:"The Grid"
about the development of the United States power grid.

Gemini XII Mission Image - Major Aldrin (1966).
Photograph of Major Edwin E. Aldrin with pipe in mouth and a slide rule floating near by inside spacecraft taken
during the Gemini XII mission. Original magazine number was GEM12-11-62984.
Row #081

Rick Gold was 15 years old when he took this self-portrait with a Yashica 35mm camera on Tri-x FILM to
document his Westinghouse Science Talent Search project in 1961. Far Rockaway, NY , USA

Slide Rule shown in the movie Titanic 1997. The ship's designer comtemplates the design.

Senior Sergeant Mikhail Kalashnikov (Kalasnyikov) the inventor of the
automatic rifle named after him and designed in 1947.
More about Kalishnikove

Senior Sergeant Mikhail Kalashnikov (Kalasnyikov) working on the AK-47 assault rifle's design at a drafting board. His slide rule
rests on the tray. Kalishnikov is the inventor of the
automatic rifle named after him and designed in 1947. He turned 90 in 2009.
More about Kalishnikove

NASA Ames. Historical Recruiting poster (c1950) of Cleve E Voss holding model of B-47, Douglas D-558-2, 6x6ft w.t. &
slide rule NOTE: Poster recovered from Voss's wife and
copied from the (bedroom) door to which it had been adhered.
(July 19, 1996 photo copy)
Row #082

Movie Sky Captain World Of Tomorrow (2004), Engineer Dex (Giovanni Ribisi) with Navigation Slide Rule (E6-B).

Slide Rule Cake in celebration of the Oughtred Society's 20th Anniversery. Presented by Debbie Douglas
of the MIT Museum.The IM2011 attendees gather around the cake.

The Dish Movie (2000) Slide Rule Images. Starring Sam Neil, Kevin Harrington.

Rocketship X-M Movie (1950) Slide Rule Images.

Nestler Cylindrical Slide Rules Used By Merchants in Germany (c1930)
Row #083

Dr. Robert B. Abernethy, known worldwide for his expertise in jet engine performance, measurement uncertainty analysis and Weibull analysis is shown doing a Wiebull analysis using a sliderule (1963).
Dr. Bob holds the patent on a feature of the J58 Pratt & Whitney J-58 engine that powers the world's fastest aircraft, the SR-71 Blackbird.

The women of the Computer Department at NACA High-Speed Flight Research Station are shown busy with test flight
calculations. Shown in this photograph, in the back of the room, is Dorothy Clift Hughes using a slide rule to complete data calculations.

Lockheed Aircraft - Flight Deck Of Constellation, Flight Engineer With Slide Rule.

Golden Gate Bridge aired on PBS's American Experience in 2004 showing a 20" slide rule and a Cylindrical Thacher.

Sievers, Wolfgang, 1913-2007.
Engineer with slide rule at Kelly and Lewis engineering works, Springvale, Victoria, 1949
Row #084

Ruxton Advertising Flyer page2 Architec Using Slide Rule Pencil

1902 Georgia Tech Indicating Textile Engine.Students Work With Slide Rule And Planimeter.

Miss Industrial Engineer 1958. Sponsored by American Institute of Industrial Engineers week.

Miss Industrial Engineer 1958. Sponsored by American Institute of Industrial Engineers week.

Oklahoma University Engneering Queen Candidates pose with teaching slide rule. (c1930)
Row #085

MIT's Debora Douglas with the K&E donation to the University Museum. See more at:
MIT Techtalk Nesletter (674 KB PDF)
Dale Reed (right) and Ken Iliff, using a slide rule, pictured with the Langley lenticular lifting body and theM2-F2 models on the table. (E 15468) NASA.

Author Griff Borgeson slide rules out some test figures. (Car and Driver Magazine).

Actor David Niven in Scene With Slide Rule

Phillip Rodley, of Upper Hutt, New Zealand using Binoculars to calculate with a Dring & Fage Four Foot Gauging Rule. Phil donated this slide rulefrom the 1800's to ISRM.
Row #086

Harold David Rueb (1939-2009) personal slide rule display 2009

K&E slide rule Archive Donated To M.I.T. Museum.

Slide Rule Display - Bay Model Visitors Center, Sausalito, California

Assembler in the Addiator Factory in Germany (preWWII) (Addiator-Besuch-2-Lackierarbeiten-Innenwerk)

IBM Engineer William Dersch. Alumni of Brigham Young Academy
Row #087

News Release on a "Navigation Computer" in Modern Mechanix, Aug 1937.

Russian Crew Of AN-72 Passenger Aircraft Using Slide Rule For Navigation, accompanied by an Ipod using a GPS application. 2011 from englishrussia.com (No comment on why they don't trust their instruments).

Scenes from the 2008 Movie Peggy Sue Got Married with Kathleen Turner (as Peggy Sue) showing a slide rule used by Barry Miller (as Richard Norvick).
Larger Image

Starbucks And A Slide Rule (Pickett Demonstration Slide Rule).

New Scientist Jan 27 and Dec 1, 1983. Slide Rules OK In Mozambique. An inititive to send thousands of forgotten slide rules to technical students in South Africa.
Row #088

Corps Students Using Navigation Circular Slide Rules (1964). Texas A&M, Cushing Memorial Library Archives

Slide Rule Contest Winner (1947). Texas A&M, Cushing Memorial Library Archives.

Slide Rule Contest Winner (1947). Texas A&M, Cushing Memorial Library Archives.

Slide Rule Contest Winner (1948). Texas A&M, Cushing Memorial Library Archives.

African-American Students Using Slide Rules (1950).Prarie View, TX. Texas A&M, Cushing Memorial Library Archives.
Row #089

Students Use Slide Rule (1941). Instructor Emerson L. Grindall demonstrates a computation to a section of a class. Michigan State University Archives And Historical Collections.

Drafting Student With Slide Rule (1947). Texas A&M,Cushing Memorial Library Archives.

Trig With Slide Rule. Avenal, CA (1947) Courtesy Of Mongrel Heart (Alias) On Flickr

Kris Ekerherd Studying With Slide Rule.Shy Anne And Sue (Cats). Alfred University (1961) Photo By George Lane

Comptometer being keyed (1914). The comptometer was the first commercially successful key-driven mechanical calculator (addition or subtraction), patented in the USA by Dorr E. Felt in 1887.
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Row #090

Dr. Eugen Sänger confers with mathematician
and future wife Irene Bredt in their WWII
research lab in Trauen in the development of the Sänger Amerika Bomber

Yokagawa-Hewlett-Packard 4260a Design Team (1966). Shows slide rule case on table as they
view the Universal Bridge, electronic test equipment, they designed as a joint venture.

Samuel T. Cohen - Inventor Of The Neutron (Fusion) Bomb with Slide Rule And Vatican Peace Medal.
Sam Cohen holds up a Vatican Peace (for War) Medal for inventing the neutron bomb (for Peace), given to him by Pope John Paul I. He designed the neutron bomb with just pencil, paper and a slide rule. (Photo: San Jose Mercury News)

Design Team SS Uganda (c1952) James Wilson, Walter Macleay, and John Hamilton

West Point graduate John T. Reed states: "Here is a photo of me taken in my cadet room in the winter of 1966 when I was a junior... In my right hand is my slide rule. Its tan leather case is on my desk."
Row #091

United Airlines Mechanics, mid-60s.

Joe Miner, long time Mascot of the Missouri University Of Science And Technology (was Univ of Missouri-Rolla).

Joe Miner, long time Mascot of the Missouri University Of Science And Technology (was Univ of Missouri-Rolla).
Note that the slide rule prop in these photos has a linear scale, not logarithmic like it should be.

Pipe Smoking Student With Slide Rule. Based on the sleeve the maker is probably a K&E.

French Engineer With Gunters Scale and Sector. Source: Gallica.bnf.fr
Row #092

Janis Lyn Joplin (1943-1970), famous rock singer, shown with a slide rule. She was a member of the Slide Rule Club when a Junior at
Thomas Jefferson High School in 1959, Port Aurthur, TX. From the 1959 TJHS Yearbook

Slide Rule Club at Thomas Jefferson High School, Port Aurthur, TX. 1959 TJHS Yearbook, page 182,
showing Janis Lyn Joplin (1943-1970) holding a slide rule.

Janis Lyn Joplin (1943-1970), famous rock singer, as a member of the Slide Rule Club when a Junior at
Thomas Jefferson High School in 1959, Port Aurthur, TX. From the 1959 TJHS Yearbook

Circular Slide Rule In The 2005 Movie World's Fastest Indian starring Anthony Hopkins.
Based on the life story of New Zealander Burt Munro, who spent years building a 1920
Indian motorcycle - a bike which helped him set the land-speed world record at the Bonneville Salt Flats.

Slide Rule Sisters - Cincinnati Post (c1949) GE Engineers Pat Leary & Eleanor Sample.
Patricia joined GE as an engineering assistant in 1949. At the time, there were just 4,000 female engineers in the entire country, and no more than a handful at GE's aviation unit in Massachusetts. She started in a calculating pool, crunching J79 engine test data with a slide rule.
Row #093

Ruxton Multi-Vider Ad Popular Mechanics 1929

Ruxton Multi-Vider Ad Popular Science 1929

Richard Bemis, a Northrop engineer, holds an enormous circular rule that he had designed in 1952 for aerodynamic calculations.

Nevil Shute portrait with slide rule (bottom edge of frame) that he used as an engineer.
See more at the Nevil Shute Norway virtual museum.

TV Screenshots from episodes of Moon Machines - Saturn V. SciFi Channel 2013 with Saturn V Drawing. two different slide rules were displayed, (appears to b a Pickett 1010 Duplex and a Hemmi/Post simplex)
Row #094

B&C Engineering. Bill Raire (cntr) and Bill Willis (right). Boller & Chivens
was a design/manufacturing company in the 60's & 70's that
built telescopes and other high tech (at the time) instruments for NASA and
academia. A pocket Pickett is near Willis' elbow.

Walt Casson (center), recently discovered this photo
from 1950 or 1951 taken at Gulf High School, New Port Richey, Florida.
He and Bobby McAlpine (left), and Vic Schuck (right), are holding a demonstration slide rule.
which was made by Gulf students in Mr. Marchman's trig class. It was found during renovations at the old Elfers school.

Kathleen Lynch, Bridge Engineer with Slide Rule, caWWII

An identification badge and a slide rule that belonged to Manhattan Project scientist Glenn Seaborg is part of the Paul Frame collection of atomic memorbilia. Seaborg developed the chemical process to extract plutonium from uranium and won the 1951 Nobel Prize in chemistry.

IBM 701 computer using vacuum tubes called sn electronic abacus 1953
Higher Res B&W
Row #095

Slide Rule and Cat at the Queens University Heating Plant. Photo By Ted Flander, 1959

Manhattan Project Physicist Enrico Fermi and wife Laura, looking at slide rule.

Surplus slide rules (Charles W. James Photo), The Philadelphia Inquirer - Sunday Nov 28, 1976 (Courtesy of Doug Harland)

Pictures from a July 2017 scientific documentary on German televison on dark energy and dark
matter in the universe. The documentary "Das Geheimnis der dunklen Energie"
(The secret of dark energy) (Courtesy of Detlef Zerfowski, UKSRC SS57) ,

Charlie and Lola in "Inventing Something Useful", CBeebies TV show in the UK. April 2017 (UKSRC SkidStick#57
Row #096

Wheat Ridge High School, Colorado. 1968 Yearbook Math Club. Contributed by Don and Cindy McCoy, Silverthorn, Colorado.

Russian Aviation Engineers With Slide Rules WWII - Clash Of Wings 3of13 at 5min 47sec

British Aviation Engineers With 20in Slide Rule WWII - Clash Of Wings 9of13 at 5min10sec

Screenshot BBC Program. Circular Slide Rule shown on right hand side of the Desk

Screenshot BBC Program. Linear Slide Rule shown on the Desk
Row #097

Ed G. Millis, At Texas Instruments with Slide Rule on desk. c1968

Jerry Merryman, the Texas Instruments engineer who designed the logic for the first pocket calculator, sits with his slide rule and a couple of awards.

Marco Polo movie on Netflix 2014 shows Tax Collector with Abacus

Camp Century - City Under The Ice. 1964 Documentery, declassified. The Secret Nuclear City In The Arctic built in Greenland. Seen on YouTube. Submitted by Paul Holdsworth.

Murdoch Mysteries" Season 9 Episode5, 2008 TV Show showing a Slide Rule Courtesy of Paul Holdsworth
Row #098

Hidden Figures Movie showing the head of NASA development (Kevin Costner)with a demonstration Slide Rule in his office, and on a nearby desk.

Slide rules on desk of Katherine G. Johnson (Taraji P. Henson) in the movie "Hidden Figures.

Slide rule on the right of Mary Jackson (played by Janelle Monáe) in a scene in the movie "Hidden Figures",
the untold story of Katherine G. Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson - brilliant African-American women working at NASA, who served as the computers/brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit.

Constance Babington Smith With Slide Rule from Women of Intelligence Ms. Smith was credited with finding the Nazi V2 Rocket site in photos, that lead to the end of WWII in Germany.

Chinese Film Showing Madam Using Abacus.
Row #099

"Bud Abbot And Lou Costello Go To Mars", 1953 Movie showing Slide Rules Courtesy of Paul Holdsworth

"The Cosmic Man"1959 Movie showing Slide Rules Courtesy of Paul Holdsworth

"When Worlds Collide" 1951 Movie showing Slide Rules Courtesy of Paul Holdsworth

ESC Delay Lines Ad (detail). 'Ken' Holding Slide Rule - Electronic Industries Magazine Oct1957

Bell Labs Record, 09-1925, pg9. Otto Muller, C.E.Lane, G.R.Lum inspect artificial laranyx.
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Row #100

Article concerning Slide Rule Demise, The Philadelphia Inquirer - Sunday Nov 28, 1976 (Courtesy of Doug Harland)

Surplus slide rules (Charles W. James Photo), The Philadelphia Inquirer - Sunday Nov 28, 1976 (Courtesy of Doug Harland)

Oscilloscopes and Engineer With Slide Rule Skidstick59

Magnavox AD - Electronics Magazine, June 1960 Photo detail

Stavid Engineering Employment Ad Detail - Electronics Magazine January, 1958 pg162
Row #101

Wernher von Braun and a Disney Specialist With Slide Rule discuss the Ionic SpaceShip concept, a fleet of which is suppossed to fly to Mars to colonize the planet. - Electronics Illustrated, May 1958

William A.Howard, NBC Engineering Development. - RCA-Engineer, September 1973

"Two Tons Or A Pennyweight" - E.A.Mechler, G.Russel, DR.M.F.Weiss, E.J.O'Donnell - Electormagnetic Research laboratory. - RCA-Engineer, November 1962

RCA Lunar Trajectory Analysis engineers: Spencer Spaulding, Bernard P. Miller, Edwin Walthall RCA-Engineer, March 1960

"Toughedness And Tomorrow" partial article by G.W.Crawford, RCA-Engineer, January 1958
Row #102

RCA System Engineers: Stanley Kolodkin, Jim W. Lee, George V. Kern, Edwin J. Hodgkins. RCA-Engineer January 1958

"Advanced Communication Problems" by Dr.A.H. Benner. RCA-Engineer November 1959

C. Frank Wheatley, RCA Application Engineer. RCA-Engineer, February 1957

RCA Airborne Systems Laboratory Meeting with analysts: Ms. Maurice Hellman, Harris Safran, Homer Eckhardt and Edward Wallner. RCA-Engineer, February 1957

Dr.D.A.Jenny of the RCA Electronics Research Laboratory involved in transistor fabrication. RCA-Engineer December 1955
Row #103

Engineer With Pocket Slide Rule. Westinghouse Engineer, January 1955

Westinghouse Engineer, January 1946

Westinghouse Engineer.January 1947

"Stories of Research" featuring Dr. W.C. Johnston. Westinghouse Engineer, July1 1947

"Stories of Research" featuring Dr. W.C. Johnston. Westinghouse Engineer, July1 1947 Detail
Row #104

Westinghouse Engineer C.R. Hanna, Designer of the Exponential Horn. Popular-Radio,Aug1927
Full Page

Radio Coil Designer With Slide Rule. by Emil Reisman. Popular-Radio, May 1928
Full Page

H.A. McIlvaine, EE Photo With Slide Rule. Popular-Radio, Nov1927 pg342

K&E Factory Personel: Gil Hebberd, Joe Soper, and Gordon Card, at K&E Salisbury Plant checking out the latest run of "Deci-lon" slide Rules. Photo by By Joesep L. Soper.

K&E Slide Rule Factory and Manufacturing. From 1906 K&E Catalog_pg319
Row #105

"Converting Frequency Into Wavelength". Popular-Radio, Oct1926
Full Page

"Laboratory Measurement..." Shows K&E Slide Rule with Magnifying lens. Popular-Radio, January 1926

"Radio Slide Rule" Measurement Charts. Popular-Radio, February 1926

CREI "Which will you choose, Slide Rule Or Screwdriver?" FM Magazine, July 1945

CREI Ad "Can You Measure Up?" FM magazine, September 1945
Row #106

Engineer With Slide Rule - International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT) Electrical Communications (Company Newsletter) Vol-29, April 1952

Navy Radio School Shows Sailor with Giant Demonstration Slide Rule. - Radio News, October 1945

Engineering Students in Turkey, With Slide Rules.- Getty Images September 1957

Architect With Slide Rule - GettyImages, January 1930

Bankers Computing Currency Fluctuations and Conversions, Manhattan, NY. Getty Images, May 1933.. On the table is a cylindrical Swiss slide rule equivalent to 20 meters in length.
Row #107

Traffic slide rule (determines speed of auto from skids), 16 June 1952. Lieutenant Lou Fuller;Department Chief Bernard Caldwell;Sergeant D.C McCauley;Chief W.M Parker.California; USA.

Traffic slide rule (determines speed of auto from skids), 16 June 1952. Lieutenant Lou Fuller;Department Chief Bernard Caldwell;Sergeant D.C McCauley;Chief W.M Parker.California; USA.

Lab Technician With Slide Rule, Edgar Allen's Steel Foundry Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK 1964 Getty Images

OfficeScene With Slide Rule on Desk, Edgar Allen's Steel Foundry Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK 1964 Getty Images

Slide Rule On Drafting Table. Edgar Allens Steel Foundry. Sheffield, South Yorkshire UK. 1964 Getty Images
Row #108

Radio Controlled Mobile Slide Rule followed by Chase Car. University of Southern California Engineering School, Open House, April 1952. Los Angeles Examiner, Getty Images

Radio Controlled Mobile Slide Rule. Controlled by Walkie-Talkie. University of Southern California Engineering School Open House, April 1952. Los Angeles Examiner, Getty Images

Visitors check out the control room next to where Italian physicist Enrico Fermi worked out calculations on a slide rule at the B Reactor at Hanford in Richland, Washington. The National Park Service is considering whether to place it on the list of National Historic Landmarks. (Photo by Paul T. Erickson)

With T-square, a slide rule and her daughter Jody, Mickey Gates Maker, lays Out pages for the Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly. Denver Post, April 1965

Man Uses 20inch Slide Rule For Stellar Navigation. c1955 - Getty Images
Row #109

US Military Academy Math Class. Cadets Holding Slide Rule. 1941 Life Magazine

Man Holding Lawrence Slide Rule. Getty Images

A man with a slide rule sits at a table, staring at a buttermilk biscuit or scone on a plate.circa 1940: (Photo by Victor Keppler/George Eastman Museum/Getty Images)

Winning Guesser Receives 22-inch slide rule as a prize. Charles O. Vogt, left, presents prize to John A. Krimmel. Denver Post, Getty Images. What was he guessing?

Bentograph Circular Slide Rule, A Device For Reading A Persons Character Traits. Getty Images, January 1925. MonteBell and Miss marion Davies. Result: Full forehead; benevolent, creative, learned and happiest when in company of the intellectual. Nose; pretentious, ambitious, sensitive, aims high and demands social and artistic recognition; etc.
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Row #110

Students Study Physics Clark College, Atlanta.Welch Demonstration Slide Rule On Blackboard. c1950 GettyImages
PhysistDiscoveredTheElectronUnited Kingdom_ January1915_th.jpg)
Sir Joseph J Thomson (1856-1940), English physist..United Kingdom, January 1915:
Thomson showed that cathode rays were particles with a negative charge and much smaller than an atom. These particles were later
renamed electrons. Received Nobel Prize in 1906. Photo by SSPL/Getty Images

Japanese Students Using Abacus (Soroban) 1920.Getty Image.

Mathematicss Lorrain Sherman Hulbert Physical laboratory, Johns Hopkins Baltimore, Maryland 1915. Student on left front row holds what appears to be a slide rule

West Point Student, Arnold Galiffa, Working a Math Problem With a Slide Rule 1949. Getty Images
Row #111

MIT Students Taking Calculus Exam. 1956.Getty Images

Slice Of MIT - "Bringing 1916 to 2016: Slide Rules" Video. Deborah Douglas, MIT Museum Curator,13May2016
Bringing 1916 to 2016: Slide Rules [VIDEO]

Slice Of MIT - "Bringing 1916 to 2016: Slide Rules" Video. MIT Students circa1960, 13May2016
Bringing 1916 to 2016: Slide Rules [VIDEO]

Slice Of MIT - "Bringing 1916 to 2016: Slide Rules" Video. MIT Students circa1960, 13May2016
Bringing 1916 to 2016: Slide Rules [VIDEO]

MIT Tech Talk June 1977.Beaver Mascot at 25th reunion, holds Slide Rule
Row #112

Number-crunching in the 1960s - Large_abacus

Slide Rule Presented To Amarillo Student - National Engineers Week - Amarillo-Globe-Times, 25 Feb 1960

Victor Almédée Mannheim 1864-1901

Photo From "Practical Sound Engineering" article - Radio News, May 1951

Samuel Pepys - (1633 - 1703 ) In his diary, he claimed that he was a pioneer in the use of the slide rule based on a logarithmic scale and was no doubt the first to apply the name "slide rule" to the invention.
Row #113

Interior view of pilot and navigator compartments on Navy patrol bomber. Signal Corps Photo. RCA-The-First-25-Years 1944

H.S. Cooke.Inventor of Machlette-Cathode-Press. 1955 Memorial Issue

Student Taking a Math Test With a Pickett Demonstration Slide Rule on his desk. Most likely a spoof for the instructor.

Esther Peterson with son Lars holding a slide rule. She was Johnson's Special Asst For Consumer Affairs and she also served under Presidents Kennedy and Carter. (1964 UPI Photo) Esther Eggertsen Peterson (1906-1997) was a lifelong consumer and women's advocate.

Columbian Exposition Drawing shows Architect Using Dividers, presumably, with a Gunters Scale. Drawn By T.Thulstrup 1892
Row #114

Martin Luther Mosher (1882-1982) with his Cylindrical Slide Rule built into the side of his Desk. It was based on two adjacent wood front wagon wheels that were typically 42 inches in diameter, with a circumference that is the equivalent of a 264 inch (22ft) linear slide rule. It appears to hold only C and D scales with handrawn divisions of the same number as a standard slide rule so any additional significant figures would have to be extrapolated past3 or 4.
Mosher's bio and papers are listed at Iowa State Archives

Scientist At Work With Slide Rule. National Museum of American History

Clarence Boykins as part of Slide Rule Team in 1955. Lane High School, Chicago Illinos

Electrical Machines Class, Students with slide rules, presumed to be at Howard University in Washington, DC. Scurlock Studio Records, National Museum of American History

Mary Golda Ross (1908-2008) was the first known Native American female engineer and the first female engineer in the history of Lockheed. She was one of the 40 founding engineers of the renowned and highly secretive Skunk Works project at Lockheed Corporation.More at Wikipedia
Row #115

Ladies Using Slide Rules. Origin Unknown

Cliff Stoll on the YouTube channel "Numberphile" , with his electrified demo slide rule made by Claridge Products.

Professor Gideon Rakavy (1928-2018), a theoretical physicist at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, using a slide rule in his youth., Contributed By Nathan Zeldes

EUREKA TV series, Season 4 Episode 11, Shows actress holding Slide Rule

Computing Room Of The Harvard Observatory 1880, When Computers Were Human By David Alan Grier
Row #116

Slide Rule Abductors - Slide Rule Ball - The Michigan Daily, November 19, 1949
Original Page

Lawyers Filch Giant Slide Rule, Slide Rule Ball - The Michigan Daily, November 18, 1949
Original Page

Who Stole The Slide Rule, The Michigan Daily, September 1957
Original Page

Technic Presents the Slide Rule Ball - The Michigan Daily, March 21, 1948
Original Page

Giant Slide Rule Decoration At Slide Rule Ball - The Michigan Diary, November, 1947
Original Page
Row #117

Engineers And Lawyers Balls, Slide Rule Ball - The Michigan Diary, March 1940

Engineers In Defense Theme for the Slide Rule Ball - The Michigan Diary, March 1942
Original Page

Engineers Annual Dance, the Slide Rule Ball - The Michigan Diary, April 1946
Original Page
Law Student That Stole Giant Slide Rule From Engineering Students Classroom, Michigan University 1908. A tradition that continued until 1954.
Original Page

Slide Rule Ruckas - The Michigan Daily,_March 1953
Original Page
Row #118

11th grade student in class with a slide rule, Newark High School in 1974

HP Archives. 1966 IEEE Jack Jung, of Neely, Calculates With Slide Rule

Mans Textured Vest. Circular Slide Rule In Left Hand

In the 116 year history of the Nobel Prize in Physics, only two women have won the award; Marie Curie (1903) and Maria Mayer (1963). Maria Mayer rediscovered nuclear 'magic numbers' and then developed a theoretical justification for them. Rather than see another physicist who independently developed the same theory as a rival, she collaborated with him on articulating the theory, leading them to sharing a Nobel Prize in physics.

KE 1933 Englewood HS class Colourised by Marvin Clarence.
Row #119

Max McDougell (1922-1914), Australian Civil Engineer and Arbitrator shown with Slide Rule, c1962

Warren's Printing Papers,1959 Ad, "Everyone Reads Between The Lines"

"The Wire" 2003 TV Series 2, Episode 2 (31:34)- Slide Rule Calculating Volume Of Air in Container found with 13 bodies

"The Good Place" TV Series. Slide Rule On Drafting Table. Ted Danson is the Architect

History Channel TV Show "Pawn Stars" appraise a Curta Mechanical Calculator
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Row #120

IM2013 Cover, Karl Klein Editor. "Computing for Science, Engineering and Production"

Wernher von Braun, NASA lead scientist, explains the possibility to reach the Moon. "Man and the Moon", Dec. 28, 1955, with Animations by Disney. Braun uses his slide rule as pointer.

Apollo 13 Award - Ben Etkin, Barry French, Phil Sullivan (with Slide Rule).Toronto Canadian Air And Space Museum. April 13, 2010

Grote Reber (1959), an electrical who built the first radio antenna dish, about 30 feet in diameter, in his back
yard in Wheaton Illinois. Beginning in about 1938, he mapped the distribution of
radio radiation from the Milky Way. He would be part of the 300 foot diameter antenna in Green Bank, Wisconsin. (www.gb.nrao.edu).

Students Perfom Physics Experiment. 1950 Hendrix College
Row #121

[Nudity] Coed Studying In 1962 showing a Pickett Slide Rule.

[Nudity] Coed Studying In 1962 showing a Pickett Slide Rule, Color photo.

Nida Balsys featured in There Aren't Many Cute Girl Engineers The Mirror News at State College. Ref:ASEE-2010

Eleanor Greiner - Lady Chemical Engineering Studentfeatured in article She Proves Skill In Man's Realm Sunday Bulletin. ASEE-2010

Francoise Piolina featured in article at Caltech Aeronatical Engineering. ASEE-2010
Row #122

Women Engineering Students - Godola, Huppert and Schulze with Demonstration Slide Rule

Early NACA (pre NASA) Human Computers At Work at the Dryden Flight Research Center in 1949. Women Holds Slide Rule

Closeup.of early NACA (pre NASA) Human Computers At Work at the Dryden Flight Research Center in 1949. Women Holds Slide Rule

Student Dan Fineman With Side Rule

Employee With Slide Rule erforming Expirement at Hercules Powder Co.
Row #123

Military Training With Demonstration Slide Rule

Loga Cylindrical Slide Rule c1920
Gerald (Jerry) Vultee (1900-1938). Aircraft Designer with Slide Rule

Gerald (Jerry) Vultee (1900-1938). Aircraft Designer with Slide Rule

Women Scientists At NASA January,1959.Slide Rule On Table
Row #124

Kitty O'Brien Joyner, civil and electrical engineer at the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory from 1939 to 1971, posing with her slide rule in front of a wind tunnel turbine. Kitty Joyner was NASA's First Women Engineer. Photograph taken in 1952. Better photo contributed by Marvin Clarence

Kitty O'Brien Joyner, civil and electrical engineer at the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory from 1939 to 1971, posing with her slide rule in front of a wind tunnel turbine. Kitty Joyner was NASA's First Women Engineer. Photograph taken in 1952.Better photo contributed by Marvin Clarence

1950-1951 Students With Demonstration Slide at Gulf

1938 Fleet Aircraft At Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

Women In Engineering Petticoats And Slide Rules. ASME composite of photos
Row #125

Society of Women Engineers (SWE) 2003 Petticoats And Slide Rules Exhibit

7th grade students from Lake Linden-Hubbell High School in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Olivia Shank, Rebecca Lyons, Chloe Daniels and Jenna Beaudoin

Military Student Receives Slide Rule Contest Award - Cushing Museum at Texas A and M

Student Receives Slide Rule Contest Award - Cushing Museum at Texas A and M

Smithsonian Museum Display showing Rocket Scientists VonBraun and Korelev's Personal Slide Rules
Row #126

NAVFAC Pacific, Celebrates National Engineers Week 2016

NAVFAC Pacific, Celebrates National Engineers Week 2016

NAVFAC Pacific, Celebrates National Engineers Week 2016

Michigan State College Math, Physics and Engineering Students at East Lansing, Michigan October 1950. US Department Of State

1950s Man Working On Blueprint With Slide Rule. H.Armstrong Roberts Photo
Row #127

The Michigan Technic Mar, 1958. Engineers, The Garrett Corp Ad

The Michigan Technic May, 1942. Engineering Student Burr J. French

The Michigan Technic May, 1957. Inset, Garrett Corp Ad

The Michigan Technic May, 1957. John A. Peacock, Bell Telephone Ad

The Michigan Technic Nov, 1944. On Cover - Skeleton Holding Slide Rule Never Give Up Your Slide Rule
Row #128

Tom Sims Self Portrait. Pittsburg, Kansas

The Michigan Technic 1949 Student Asleep With Slide Rule

The Michigan Technic Dec 1942. Alice C.Goff

The Michigan Technic Oct 1956. George M.Linooln Jr. Dupont Ad

Hughes Fellows Warren Mathews, Art Bryson, Robert Bennet, Allen Puckett. The Michigan Technic Dec, 1951 from Hughes Aircraft Ad
Row #129

The Michigan Technic Mar, 1958. John Lawlor, EE Class Of '52 Brown Univ. Bell Telephone Ad

The Michigan Technic Dec, 1951. Engineers At Boeing Aircraft Ad

Test Technicians Using Cylindrical Sliderule. The Michigan Technic Apr, 1944. Allegheny Ludlum Corp Ad

The Michigan Technic April, 1957. Electrical Engineering Department

The Michigan Technic April, 1957. Engineering Mechanics Class
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Row #130


The Michigan Technic April,1957. Pratt And Whitney Aircraft Ad

The Michigan Technic April, 1952. John Purdom And Kenneth Kehr Dupont Ad

The Michigan Technic Dec, 1947. Fraternity Initiation

The Michigan Technic Dec, 1950. William C. Author, Norton Abrasives Ad
Row #131

The Michigan Technic Feb, 1957. Walter A.Paulson, Dupont Ad

The Michigan Technic Feb, 1960. Analytical Engineers Pratt And Whitney

The Michigan Technic Jan, 1942. Engineering Student Robert C. Keetch

The Michigan Technic Jan, 1952. Metallurgy Coed

The Michigan Technic Mar, 1958. C.C.Franck Sr. Turbine Expert, Westinghouse Ad
Row #132
The Michigan Technic Nov ,1944. William (Bill) R. Powers, Engineering Student

The Michigan Technic Nov, 1956. From A General Electric Recruiting Ad

The Michigan Technic Nov, 1956. James C. Nettleton, Dupont Ad

Women In Engineering - Curtis Wright Trainees 1943, WWII Iowa State College

"Ice Station Zebra" Movie 1968 with Slide Rules. Discovered by Mark Johnson.
Row #133

Slide Rule Made By 1959 Gulf High School Students, Walt Casson and Vic Schuck, Helped Build This Slide Rule 62 Years Ago

Carl R. Wern stands in front of a System Wern handmade large prototype that was awarded a
1966 Gold medal at Brussels Invention Exhibition.

System Wern IWA1638. Wern brothers: Lars, Carl and George Wern.The photo was taken in

System Wern slide rules and calculators were in 1966 demonstrated by the Wern brothers
Carl, George and Lars Wern to Gunnar Englund who wrote in 2006 an article published in
Oughtred Society.

G. Felsenthal & Sons Classroom Size Dalton Dead Reckoning Computer With Irving G. Felsenthal
Row #134

G. Felsenthal & Sons. Art And Engineering Department c1940's

Philbert Maurice d'Ocagne 1962-1938 Founder Of Nomography

S.W. Thayer's first dean, Professor Robert Fletcher, front left, works alongside members of the classes of 1894 and 1895 in the school's Park Street home as they mastered the engineering skills of their time. Thayer School of Engineering is part of Dartmouth College

Jim Bready' Colossus held by Kate Mathews And Riki Nakamoto 4ft square, scale is 10,400 inches long with 6 significant figures.

Loga Cylindrical Slide Rules. 1961-62. Interieur Beurs van Berlage Schippersbeurs
Row #135

Philbert Maurice d'Ocagne, 1962-1938, Father Of Nomography

French Slide Rule Collectors in 2010,Orsay, France. Left to right: Philippe Deau (died 2016), Etienne Pommel, Gonzalo Martin, Marc Thomas, Daniel
Toussaint (died 2019), Sigismond Kmiecik, and Olivier Cassou (died 2017)

Halcomb Pert-O-Graph II Manual Cover Photo from a book in the Thomas Wyman collection

Portrait of Enrico Fermi (1901-1954) Manhattan Project

Atoms In The Family - My life With Enrico Fermi, Architect of the Atomic Age By his wife, Laura Fermi. His slide rule is shown with the book,
Row #136

Women Engineer With 20inch Duplex Slide Rule

US Naval Academy TheLOG Oct 9,1970 Midshipmen Peter Devos With Sliderule.

Virginia Norwood, the mother of Landsat, in 1963 with slide rule. Norwood's father gave her her first slide rule at age 9, by the late 1960s she was designing the groundbreaking Multispectral Scanner System (MSS) for the first Landsat satellite. Photo credit: Hughes; used with permission of Virginia Norwood.

Bertha Lamme at work at Westinghouse Electric & Mfg Co. 1895. Photo By Dorothy Boyer, Hienz History Center. Lamme came to Pittsburgh to work for George Westinghouse several months after her 1893 graduation from Ohio State University. Her thesis, An Analysis of Tests of a Westinghouse Railway Generator, familiarized her with the company. Insert of Slide rule is thought bt ISRM to be a Tavernier-Gravet.

Bertha Lamme's Slide Rule, T-Square, and personal items from 1893. Photo By Dorothy Boyer, Hienz History Center, Pittsburgh, PA. Lamme accepted a job as an engineer with the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company in 1893. In 1896, the New York Herald called her the only woman electrical engineer in the country. The Chicago publication Young People's Weekly described her in 1907 as a slide rule phenomenon for her abilities as a mathematician and calculator.

The K&E 4081-3 Decitrig Log Log Slide Rule that was placed in the Westinghouse 1939 Worlds Fair Time Capsule with other Contents to be Opened In 5000 Years. See the adjacent photos for more of the time capsule.
Row #137

During packaging of the contents, under the direction of representatives of the United States National Bureau of Standards, each object was examined to determine whether it could be expected to last 5,000 years.

Care was taken to select items are not interactive and do not decompose into harmful gases or acids. Organic items (for example, seeds) were placed in sealed glass vials.Five categories of objects were placed inside the capsule.:
Small articles of common use (including a K&E 4081-3 Slide rule with leather sleeve),
Textiles and materials,
Essay in microfilm,
RKO newsreel,
Miscellaneous items.

1939 & 1964 Worlds Fair, Flushing Meadows, Queens, NYC

The contents of the time capsules were sealed inside an insulated, airtight, glass envelope with an interior diameter of 6.5 inches (17 cm) and a length of about 81 inches (210 cm). The interior of the glass envelope of Capsule I was filled with nitrogen, whereas Capsule II was filled with the inert gas, argon. The term "time capsule" was coined by George Edward Pendray for the 1939 World's Fair Westinghouse exhibit in New York.

Preparing to cosign the Time Capsule to its 5,000 year resting place are A.W. Robertson, Westinghouse Electric Company's chairman of the board (left) and Grover A. Whalen, president of the New York World's Fair.
Row #138

Race For Space - Werner Von Braun Actor - 1of4 Frame 15:50

Race For Space 2of4 Minute 33:00

Race For Space - BBC 2005 Episode 4 Frame 43:35

From the Movie RUSH, a 2013 biographical sports film centred on the Hunt-Lauda rivalry between two Formula One drivers, the British James Hunt and the Austrian Niki Lauda during the 1976 Formula 1 motor-racing season. Slide rule on desk of engineer.

Russian Pilots With Slide Rule (Post WWII)
Row #139

Russian Commercial Navigator With Slide Rule

IIT Electrical Engineers 1900-1909 Colorized by Marvin Clarence

Purdue 1942 Prof Braun Aeronatics Class - Colourised by Marvin Clarence

UK WAAF Meteorologist Trainees with Pilot Balloon Slide Rules

UK WAAFs with Theodolite, Pilot Balloon Slide Rule and Balloon
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Row #140

UK Meteorologists with Plottin Board, Pilot Balloon Slide Rule Releasing Weather Balloon

Navigation Slide Rule and Beetles on chart in submarine in the Movie U-571 Minute:22-00

Class Of 1967 Yearbook Slide Rule, pg 62 University Of Manitoba, Canada.

Electrical Engineering Student, Class Of 1967 Yearbook Slide Rule, pg 52 University Of Manitoba, Canada.

Engineering Student, Class Of 1967 Yearbook Slide Rule, pg 55 University Of Manitoba, Canada.
Row #141

Mechanical Engineering Student, Class Of 1967 Yearbook Slide Rule, pg 42 University Of Manitoba, Canada

Professor trying to put Demo Slide Rule im MGA sports car, Class Of 1967 Yearbook Slide Rule, pg 32 University Of Manitoba, Canada

Professor attempting to put Demo Slide Rule im MGA sports car, Class Of 1967 Yearbook Slide Rule, pg 41 University Of Manitoba, Canada

Engineering Physics lab, Class Of 1967 Yearbook Slide Rule, pg 79 University Of Manitoba, Canada

Joanne Holm Freshie Queen and engineering student, holds slide rule, Class Of 1965 Yearbook Slide Rule, pg 33 University Of Manitoba, Canada
Row #142

Mechanical Engineering Students, Class Of 1967 Yearbook Slide Rule, pg 34 University Of Manitoba, Canada

Slide Rule Wall Mural using ISRM 7ft Demo Rules in a high-tech corporation in Denver, CO. Installed in 2020.

Two Hands Holding Slide Rule over Drafting Table. 1966 USFS Photo, Portland Oregon.

Agents Of S.H.I.EL.D. Series 04 Episode 03 Uprising (Blackout after EMP pulse) - "Our Only Hope Is The Professors Slide Rule?"

Slide Rule Yearbook, University Of Manitoba Canada, Apr 1959 - The Candid Camera in the Mechanical Lab
Row #143

Slide Rule Yearbook, University Of Manitoba Canada, Apr 1959 - Mechanical Engineering Graduate. "Thank God it's over."

Slide Rule Yearbook, University Of Manitoba Canada, Class Of 1961 pg42 Demo Slide Rule held by students

University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1963 pg34 - Student Holds Slide Rule

University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1963 pg74 - Two Students Hold Slide Rules

University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1964 pg11 - StudentHoldsSliderule
Row #144

University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1964 pg21 Students hold slide rules and coffee cups

University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1960 pg56 - Two Engineering Physics Students spotted Holding Slide Rule

University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1960 pg56 - Two Engineering Physics Students spotted Holding Slide Rule (close up)

University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1960 pg64 Chemical Engineering Student Holds Sliderule

University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1960 pg64 Chemical Engineering Student Holds Sliderule (close up)
Row #145

University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1960 pg22 - Joan Alexander, Engineering Physics Freshmen

University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1974 pg52 Mechical Engineering Section Intro

Deep Purple Yearbook.1971. Engineering Student Society Of Lakehead University - Mr. H.North Mechanical Department

Deep Purple Yearbook.1971. Engineering Student Society Of Lakehead University - Slide Rule On Books, Students playing chess.

Colorado State University CSU Rocky Mountain Collegian, Fort Collins, Colorado Jan 22,1954 - The Dupont Digest Ad
Row #146

Colorado State University CSU Rocky Mountain Collegian, Fort Collins, Colorado Jan 22,1954 - The Dupont Digest Ad Insert

Bahgdad College Al-Iraq 1966 Yearbook pg170

Bahgdad College Al-Iraq 1966 Yearbook pg170 - Two Slide Rules Spotted

Bahgdad College Al-Iraq 1966 Yearbook pg170 - Well-dressed student with slide rule

US Navy Seaman Calculates With Sterling Slide Rule from a AIRBOYD.TV clip
Row #147

Tony Shalhoub in Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Series on Amazon Prime.

Slide Rule On Drafting Board In TV Series Showing Ford Mustang GT-500s

Slide Rule in Airport Control Tower, Shown in TV Series Project_Blue_Book on the History Channel

K&E Factory Catalog 1906 pg319 Workmen Making Slide Rule Blanks

Chinese Atom Bomb Development Documentary on YouTube
Row #148

For All Mankind AppleTV Series 2019-2020 showing slide rules. This is an alternate reality of what if the Russians got to the moon first.

The Saturn V Story, Minute 14:39 showing a K&E or Dietzgen duplex slide rule.

I Dream Of Jeannie Season 2 Episode 5 My Wild eyed Master Oct 19,1966 showing a Sterling slide rule.

I Dream Of Jeannie Season 3 Episode 19 You Cant Arrest Me Jan 23, 1967 TV Series showing an E-6B navigation slide rule.

Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea TV Series showing a Acu-Math Duplex slide rule.
Row #149

Dietzgen 1938 15th Catalog page 2 showing planimeter and slide rule

Rickover: The Birth Of Nuclear Power HrMin 1:09:00 using clip Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea Circular Slide rule.

Rickover: The Birth Of Nuclear Power HrMin 1:09:00. on Amazon Videos. Actual historic photos with Admiral Rickover and a KE Slide Rule Next To Clock. Rickover led the design of the Nautilas, the first Nulear Submarine.

Rickover: The Birth Of Nuclear Power Slide Rules On Desk Of Actor Protraying Admiral Rickover. Rickover led the design of the Nautilas, the first Nulear Submarine.

Griff The Invisable 2011 Movie. Slide Rule at Minute 43:20
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Row #150

NJIT Nucleus 1943 Yearbook Photo of Allen P. Cullimore Newark College of Engineering President and Noted Author On Slide Rules

NJIT Nucleus 1944 Yearbook Editor F. Logan Stanfield. Slide Rule On Bench. Pg19

NJIT Nucleus 1944 Yearbook - Broken and Splintered Slide Rule. Pg78

NJIT Nucleus 1943 Yearbook Seniors - William H.Hartmann Jr. with slide rule in inset. - pg36-37

NJIT Nucleus 1943 Yearbook Seniors - Edward A. Heider with slide rule in inset. pg36-37
Row #151

NJIT Nucleus 1943 Yearbook Seniors - Paul Imenimato with slide rule in inset. pg40-41

NJIT Nucleus 1943 Yearbook Seniors - Stanley M. Jarvis with slide rule in inset. pg40-41

NJIT Nucleus 1943 Yearbook Seniors - Bernard Manowitz with slide rule in inset. pg46-47

NJIT Nucleus 1943 Yearbook Seniors - Frank Piserchio with slide rule in inset. pg50-51

NJIT Nucleus 1943 Yearbook Seniors - Bernard M. Saffian with slide rule in inset. pg56-57
Row #152

NJIT Nucleus 1945 Yearbook - Student With Slide Rule. pg53

NJIT Nucleus 1945 Yearbook - Instructor Uses Slide Rule As Pointer. pg59

NJIT Nucleus 1949 Yearbook - Mechanical Engineering Professors:Leroy S. Olsen,William Orenstein,and Robert E. Bannon Holding Slide Rules. pg62

NJIT Nucleus 1949 Yearbook - Mechanical Engineering Students Holding Slide Rules. pg63

NJIT Nucleus 1949 Yearbook - Students Loiteering On Steps. Slide Rule On Top Of Books. pg92
Row #153

NJIT Nucleus 1950 Yearbook - Mervin Seely Holds Slide Rule. Voted "Did Most For The Class." pg22

NJIT Nucleus 1950 Yearbook - Robert Ross Holds Slide Rule. Voted "MostDependable." pg23

NJIT Nucleus 1950 Yearbook - Angelina Halamandaris Holds Slide Rule. Voted "Hardest Worker." pg24

NJIT Nucleus 1950 Yearbook - Robert Ross Holds Slide Rule And Papers At Blackboard. Voted "MostProfessional." pg24

NJIT Nucleus 1950 Yearbook - Civil Engineering Students. "In Numbers There Is Strength." pg60
Row #154

NJIT Nucleus 1950 Yearbook - Electrical Engineering Student Reading SlideRule. pg94

NJIT Nucleus 1950_Yearbook - Mechanical Engineering Student with Slide Rule On Desk. pg144

NJIT Nucleus 1950 Yearbook - Professional Societies Chapter Page. pg153

NJIT Nucleus 1950 Yearbook - Coed Engineering Students Sit On Grass with Slide Rules In Hand. pg204

NJIT Nucleus 1951 Yearbook - Junior Classman With Slide Rule. pg43
Row #155

NJIT Nucleus 1951 Yearbook - College Of Engineering Matchbook. Name Of Arthur S. Nichols Engraved On Dietzgen Slide Rule. pg43

NJIT Nucleus 1951 Yearbook - College Of Engineering Senior Year. Student with multiple Slide Rules on feet, in pocket and ear. pg47

NJIT Nucleus 1951 Yearbook - College Of Engineering Senior Year. Cold Student With Slide Rule. pg48

NJIT Nucleus 1951 Yearbook Newark College Of Engineering - Student With Two Slide Rules Connected. pg74&184

NJIT Nucleus 1951 Yearbook Mechanical Engineering Section. Slide Rule On Drafting Board. pg93
Row #156

NJIT Nucleus 1952 NCE Yearbook - Students With Slide Rule. pg62

NJIT Nucleus 1953 NCE Yearbook - Students With Slide Rule. pg635

NJIT Nucleus 1953 NCE Yearbook - Engineering Students With Slide Rule. pg179

NJIT Nucleus 1954 NCE Yearbook - Mechanical Engineering Section with Airplane Model And Slide Rule. pg72

NJIT Nucleus 1954 NCE Yearbook - Electrical Engineering Students With Slide Rules. pg170
Row #157

NJIT Nucleus 1955 NCE Yearbook - Engineering Students With Slide Rules. pg43

NJIT Nucleus 1955 NCE Yearbook - Engineering Student With Slide Rule Case. pg50

NJIT Nucleus 1955 NCE Yearbook - Electrical Engineering Student With Slide Rule Case Poking From Behind Books. pg51

NJIT Nucleus 1956 NCE Yearbook - Freshman Picking Up Books And Slide Rule At Bookstore. pg16

NJIT Nucleus 1956 NCE Yearbook - Students Study Slide Rule On Table. pg16
Row #158

NJIT Nucleus 1956 NCE Yearbook - Slide Rule With Abraham Lincoln Quote. pg17

NJIT Nucleus 1956 NCE Yearbook - Demonstration Slide Rule On Stairs of TEP Fraternity House. pg61

NJIT Nucleus 1956 NCE Yearbook - A senior studying with His Slide Rule while his under classmen fraternity brothers drink at fraternity house. pg101

NJIT Nucleus 1956 NCE Yearbook - Student And Instructor With 7ft Teaching Slide Rule. pg122

NJIT 1928 Kem Lek Mek Yearbook - Frank Golbach, Class Champion Slide Rule Artist. pg59
Row #159

NJIT Nucleus 1958 NCE Yearbook - Mechanical Engineering Student In Library, Slide Rule Sleeve On Table. pg80

NJIT Nucleus 1960 NCE Yearbook - Students at blackboard with Slide Rule In hand and sleeve On desk. pg66

NJIT Nucleus 1961 NCE Yearbook Slide Rule Sticking Out Of Briefcase. pg10

NJIT Nucleus 1963 NCE Yearbook Student In Library Studies Slide Rule. pg13

NJIT Nucleus 1963 NCE Yearbook Student Watches A Person Using a Slide Rule. pg18
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Row #160

NJITNucleus 1964 NCE Yearbook - Senior Civil Engineering Student Reads Slide Rule. pg149

NJIT Nucleus 1964 NCE Yearbook - Professor Dr. Joseph Joffee, with 20 inch Slide Rule sleeve On Desk Papers.pg17

NJIT Nucleus 1965 NCE Yearbook - Engineering Student Holds Slide Rule In Library. pg120

NJIT Nucleus 1965 NCE Yearbook - Pickett Slide Rule With Books. pg120

NJIT Nucleus 1965 NCE Yearbook - Female Engineering Student Reads Slide Rule. pg121
Row #161

NJIT Nucleus 1965 NCE Yearbook - Group Of Engineering Students InLibrary, One Holds Slide Rule. pg123

NJIT Nucleus 1966 NCE Yearbook - Thomas Reinhardt, Editor In Chief. Slide Rule On Table. pg160

NJIT Nucleus 1966 NCE Yearbook Staff Member. Slide Rule On Table. pg161

NJIT Nucleus 1966 NCE Yearbook - Half clothed frustrated Coed and Engineering Student With Slide Rule. pg175

NJIT Nucleus 1966 NCE Yearbook - Engineering Students Studying With Slide Rule Sleeves On Tables. pg202
Row #162

Stanford University 1957 - Electrical Engineering Student in Class with Slide Rule Sleeve On Chair

Manhattan Project Documentary on the History Channel USA Engineer With Slide Rule.- minute 7:00

University Of Minnisota The Gopher Vol 80.1966-67 cover. - Student With Acumath Slide Rule

University Of Minnisota The Gopher Vol 80 1966-67 pg212 - Student With Slide Rule

University Of Minnisota The Gopher Vol 55 pg347 - John Durrenberger From Perham With Slide Rule
Row #163

Jacob Jensen in his studio working on the Beomaster 1200 in 1968. Provided by Nathan Zeldes

WWII German women tracking Allied bombing raids to provide advanced warning to German targets. They are using a Nestler Fluggeschwindigkeit slide rule for computations. The 20in (50cm) model is shown here. Provided by Andreas Fassbender

WWII German women tracking Allied bombing raids to provide advanced warning to German targets. They are using a Nestler Fluggeschwindigkeit slide rule for computations. The 20in (50cm) model is shown here. Provided by Andreas Fassbender

WWII German women tracking Allied bombing raids to provide advanced warning to German targets. They are using a Nestler Fluggeschwindigkeit slide rule for computations. The 10in (25cm) model is shown here. Provided by Andreas Fassbender

WWII Nazi Germany tracking Allied bombing raids to provide advanced warning to German targets. They are using a Nestler Fluggeschwindigkeit slide rule for computations. Provided by Andreas Fassbender From the book Blitzmädchen
Row #164

University Of Minnisota The Gopher Vol 56, 1943, pg257 Photos Showing Slide Rules

University Of Minnisota Bisbila Student Yearbook, 1961 pg91. Checking Accuaracy Of Giant Slide Rule

Russia Sends Tu-160 Bombers On Belarus Air Patrol Near Polish Border. Navigator Using Slide Rule In 2021

Colorado State University Chemistry Laboratory c1930 Student On Left Has A Slide Rule In Hand

Colorado State University Mountain Scholar K&E Duplex With Column Cursor. June1935
Row #165

Colorado State University Rocky Mountain Collegian Nov 18, 1958 Engineer's Queen Candidates Gracing The Slide Rule.
Full Page

Colorado State University Rocky Mountain Collegian Nov 18, 1958 Engineer's Queen Candidates Gracing The Slide Rule.
Full Page

Colorado State University Rocky Mountain Collegian May 28, 1957 Student Studying With Slide Rule
Full Page

Colorado State University Rocky Mountain Collegian February 24, 1950 Aggie Coed Measures Beard With Slide Rule.
Full Page

Colorado State University Rocky Mountain Collegian Nov 7, 1952. Engineers Queen Candidates Holding a Slide Rule.
Full Page
Row #166

Colorado State University Rocky Mountain Collegian April 22, 1943. Bunyan Engineer's Steer (cow) With Giant Slide Rule.
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"Destroy All Monsters" - 1969 Japanese Movie showing Scientist (or military officer) Reading Slide Rule at Minute 39:50

Research Project X-15 Video from 1964 20-inch K&E Slide Rule with sleeve In Front Of Instrument Panel. Search on YouTube.com to watch

"The Day Earth Stood Still" - 1951 Movie. Slide Rule On Desk at 44m41s Contributed by Foo Cheo Ming

"Shoplifter" 1975 Public Service Announcement Film. Manager Holding Slide Rule 2m32s.Contributed by Marvin Clarence
Row #167

Walt Disney's 1957 "Our Friend The Atom" Tomorrow Land Slide Rule On Desk Of Dr Heinz Haber, There is also a planimeter shown on the desk. Season 3, Episode 14.Contributed by Marvin Clarence

"Space Force" Series 2, Episode 7, 11min23. John Malkovich Works a Slide Rule When all Computers Fail. Contributed by George Anderson

"Your Career As An Aeronautical Engineer" video 1956 - Coed student holds Pickett Slide Rule,9m47s. Contributed by Marvin Clarence

"Your Career As An Aeronautical Engineer" video 1956 - Instructor Uses K&E Decitrig Demomstration Slide Rule. Contributed by Marvin Clarence

"Your Career As An Aeronautical Engineer" video 1956 - Pickett Slide Rule On Desk. Contributed by Marvin Clarence
Row #168

"Your Career As An Aeronautical Engineer" video. 1956 - Man With Slide Rule. Contributed by Marvin Clarence

"The Dial Comes To Town" - Bell Telephone Film Introduces the operation of the dial telephone to customers in 1940. At 6:45 Contributed by Marvin Clarence
Gentleman with slide rule and a pair of calipers. A daguerreotype from the Victorian Era (1837-1901). Contributed by Marvin Clarence

MTU graduate John R. Baker, BSME Class Of 1971, took this photo of his eldest son holding a classmate's slide rule. Taken November,1970 during John's Senior Year at Michigan Technological University. TechAlum Newsletter March 20, 2018.

"Moonfall" 2022 Movie - Character in movie, K.C. Houseman, works a slide rule.
Row #169

Professor Harvey E. White, Professor of Physics at the University of California, demonstrates the slide rule in Physics: The Complete Introductory Course; Special Lessons: 'The Slide Rule' (Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, 1957).Contributed by Marvin Clarence

Professor Harvey E. White, Professor of Physics at the University of California, uses Welch Scientific Demo Slide Rule to demonstrates the slide rule in Physics: The Complete Introductory Course; Special Lessons: 'The Slide Rule' (Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, 1957). Contributed by Marvin Clarence

Jorge Victoria's Slide Rule display. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

"Young Sheldon" TV Series shows Sheldon with a slide (rule) chart on his desk to his right along with a Venier caliper and ruler. The slide has an unknown purpose, but the logarithmic scales are obvious to the trained eye. We need to look through the archives to find the exact model. This is the only 'slide rule' in the "Big Bang Theory" or "Young Sheldon" TV franchises that have been spotted.

Indonesian Engineering Undergraduate Using Slide Rule At Universitas Gadjah Mada in 1954 Contributed by Marvin Clarence
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Row #170

Civilian Crew on Zeppelin ZR-3 USS Los Angeles, Use Sextant And Slide Rule Logo on cap is the Zeppelin Company symbol. c1917 Contributed by Marvin Clarence

Zeppelin Navigator Anton Witteman and Dr. Hugo Eckener, Captain, of the LZ-126 which will become the USS Los Angeles ZR-3 once delivered.1917. Two slide rules on desk, a standard 25cm and a huge Zeppelin slide rule, both by Albert Nestler. Contributed by Andreas Fassbender

Dr. Hugo Eckener And Zeppelin Designer Ludwig Duerr Aboard the LZ-126 which will will become the USS Los Angeles ZR-3 once delivered. 1917 Two slide rules on desk, a standard 25cm and a huge Zeppelin slide rule, both by Albert Nestler.Contributed by Andreas Fassbender

Engineerings and crew on the LZ-126 which will will become the USS Los Angeles ZR-3 once delivered. 1917. The huge Zeppelin slide rule, made by Albert Nestler is on desk. Contributed by Andreas Fassbender

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1946 pg36. Student Uses Demonstation Slide Rule
Row #171

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1946 pg102. Technical Student Holding Slide Rule

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1946 pg174. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity Students Study Slide Rule

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1946 pg176. Tan Delta Phi Fraternity Student Holding Slide Rule With Book

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1942 pg10. Student Walking To Class Holding Slide Rule With Book

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1942 pg152. Student Overcome Studying With Slide Rule And Books
Row #172

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1942 pg154. ROTC Students Studying With Slide Rule And Books

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1941 pg38. Engineering Students Testing A Beam, One Student With Slide Rule

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1941 pg54. Electrical Engineering Student With Slide Rule

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1941 pg62. Civil Engineering Student With Slide Rule

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1941 pg74. Campus Greeks With Slide Rules
Row #173

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1941 pg202. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Frat With Slide Rule On Desk

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1941 pg216. - Sigma Nu Frat With Slide Rule

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1940 pg52. - Engineering Students With Slide Rules

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1939 pg40. - Engineering Drawing Students With Slide Rules

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1939 pg46. - Chemical Engineering Students With Slide Rules
Row #174

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1939 pg46. Pi Kappa Alpha Frat Student With Slide Rule

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1948 pg182. Beta Sigma Rho Frat Student With Slide Rule

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1949 pg50. Electrical Engineering Student, Slide Rule Sleeve Next To Book

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1949 pg218. Delta Tau Delta Frat Students Calculating On Slide Rules

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1950 pg66. Mannheim Slide Rule With Architectural Books
Row #175

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1951 pg8. Dr. Robert E. Dougherty Memoriam, With Slide Rule

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1951 pg32. Chemical Engineering Department, shows Slide Rule

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1951 pg38. Mathematics Department, shows Slide Rule

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1951 pg186. Bob Kubiak "BMOC" Holds Slide Rule_ Robert John Kubiak, Class Of 51

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1952 pg28. Electrical Engineering Students Slide Rule On Desk
Row #176

Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Thistle Yearbook 1969 pg82. Electrical Engineering Student Slide Rule On Desk

Wichmann Brothers Catalog 1904-1905. shows AW Faber Demonstration Slide Rule with 6 men

"For All Mankind" TV Series "Every Little Thing" Episode shows Concise Circular Slide Rule at minute 15:00

Russian TU-160 Supersonic Bomber - Navigator With SlideRule. Russian Ministry Of Defense Photo

Another "Apollo 13" Movie Screenshot Showing Slide Rule
Row #177

Electronic-Industries Magazine from 1943 and 1945. Benjamin B. Bauer. Inventor Of the Shure Brothers Reactance Slide Rule

Prof.John Michael Ziman (1923-2005) Holding Slide Rule. Math and and Physics Professor
Balliol College, Oxford (1951). Lecturer at Cambridge (1960's) and fellow of King's College(1064). Chair of theoretical physics at Bristol(1967). He was elected to the Royal Society. UKSRC Skid Stick #39

Flight Magazine. Sep 12, 1945 - Folkstone Trophy Race. Rowarth And Dancy (nearest camera) Use Slide Rules To Work Out Handicaps. UKSRC Skid Stick #39 2011

"Steam Locomotive How It Is Made" Time 26sec Shows Engineer With Slide Rule (K&E 4053-3?) On Drafting Table Found by Andrew Chiwu Cheng

"Moonfall" Movie 2022 - Actor Uses A Pickett Slide Rule Provided by Foo Cheow Ming in Singapore
Row #178

Giovanni Battista Caproni 1886-1957 Italian Aeronautical Engineer and founder of The Caproni Aircraft Mfg. Co. He stands in the nose of a 1915 Ca.32 Aircraft.top photo contributed by Alessandro Scallini

Portland Startup to Mine Artisanal Bitcoin Using Only Slide Rules and Graph Paper
By The Needling, Seattle's Only Real Fake News.
Hash & Moon Article
Found by Tom Heemskerk

TV Series "Better Call Saul" - AMC Season 6 Episode 5 "Breakdown" - Cartel Engineer's Slide Rule Encased In Epoxy as a tribute Found by Tony DeVito

TV Series "Better Call Saul" - Nertflix Season 4 Epiosode 5. Minute 43 to Min 44:16 "Quite A Ride" - German Engineer with slide rule

Possible Slide Rule On Postcard - UKSRC "Slidstick" Issue 40 Feb. 2012
Row #179

Cooper Union NYC Yearbook 1942,pages 14-17 Shows Slide Rules

NASA Female Computer (1951) GRC-1951 C-27174 With 20-inch KandE Slide Rule

Drexel Lexerd 1947 pg63 - Getting Luck From Water Boy. Slide Rule Under Arm

Drexel Lexerd 1969 pg123 - Demonstration Slide Rule

Drexel Spartan 1935 pg68 "Stories Without Words" - Several Students With Slide Rules
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Row #180


Drexel Spartan 1939,pg49 - Electrical Engineering Student With Slide Rule

Drexel Spartan 1939 pg56 - Electrical Engineering students Holding Slide Rules

Drexel Spartan 1939 pg60 - Slide Rules Appear In Several Photos

Drexel Spartan 1945 pg47 - Electrical Engineer Kneels With Slide Rule In Hand
Row #181

Drexel Spartan 1945 pg47 - Electrical Engineers, Slide Rule In Hands

Drexel Spartan 1945 pg48 - Slide Rules In Multiple Pictures

Drexel Spartan 1950 pg6-7 Evening Tech School - Three Photos of Slide Rules 1

Drexel Spartan 1950 pg6-7 Evening Tech School - Three Photos of Slide Rules 2

Drexel Spartan 1950 pg6-7 Evening Tech School - Three Photos of Slide Rules 3
Row #182

Drexel Lexerd 1935 pg108 - Mens Sophmore Class, Clowning With Slide Rules

Drexel Lexerd 1935 pg113 - Student With Slide Rule

Drexel Lexerd 1938 pg25 - Slide Rules On Books In Class

Drexel Lexerd 1939 pg104 - Slide Rule Sleeve On Books

Drexel Lexerd 1939 pg23 - Engineering Section Student With Slide Rule
Row #183

Drexel Lexerd 1939 pg24 - Engineering School Slide Rule With Student

Drexel Lexerd 1939 pg25 - Student Contemplating with Slide Rule

Drexel Lexerd 1939 pg29- Student With Slide Rule Hoping For Luck On Quiz

Drexel Lexerd 1939 pg97 - Military Student With Slide Rule

Drexel Lexerd 1958 pg151 - Festival Of Queens Slide Rule
Row #184

Drexel Spartan 1937 pg78 - Structural Group With Slide Rule Case On Desk

Drexel Spartan 1941 pg24 - Slide Rule Case At Bookstore

Drexel Spartan 1942 pg83 - Slide Rules In Photo

Drexel Spartan 1942 pg88 - Students With Slide Rule

Drexel Spartan 1949 pg38 - Slide Rule, Blueprint and Compass. Mechanical Engineers
Row #185

Drexel Spartan 1949 pg78 "Life At Drexel" - Slide Rule In Test Frame

Drexel Spartan 1950 pg44 - Evening Tech School, 20-inch Slide Rule

Drexel Spartan 1950 pg46 - Evening Tech School, CivilEngWithSlideRule

Drexel Spartan 1950 pg47 - Evening Tech School, Men With Slide Rules

Drexel Spartan 1950 pg47 - Evening Tech School, Men With Slide Rules 1
Row #186

Drexel Spartan 1950 pg47 - Evening Tech School, Men With Slide Rules 2

Drexel Spartan 1950 pg47 - Evening Tech School, Men With Slide Rules 3

Drexel Spartan 1950 pg51 - Evening Tech School, Slide Rule On Desk

Drexel Spartan 1956 pg99 - Wayne Bugg. Pennsylvania Railroad, Slide Rule Nearby

Drexel Spartan 1950 pg52 - Evening Tech School, Power Student With Slide Rule
Row #187

Drexel Spartan 1950 pg54-55 - Evening Tech School, Mechanical Engineer With Slide Rule On Desk

Drexel Spartan 1950 pg54-55 - Evening Tech School, Mechanical Engineers With Slide Rules

Drexel Spartan 1956 pg103 - Slide Rule In Ad

Drexel Spartan 1956 pg59 - James Ballard With Slide Rule

Drexel Spartan 1956 pg59 - Salvatore Risasale With Slide Rule
Row #188

Drexel Spartan 1956 pg62 - Civil Engineering, Structural Student Reads Slide Rule

Drexel Spartan 1956 pg63 - Mechanical Engineering, Machine Design Student Reads Slide Rule

Drexel Spartan 1956 pg99 - Paul E. Sanford Jr. with Slide Rule Nearby

Video "The Hitlers that Stalin Caught". Contributed by Alessandro Scalini

Daily Oklahoman newspaper (1967) Jeanise Roper is more at home with a slide rule than most girls are with a candy thermometer.
Row #189

Daily Oklahoman newspaper (1955) The most attractive slide rule manipulator in the office of a large Oklahoma City engineering firm is Miss Betty Jackson.

Daily Oklahoman newspaper (1970) Mrs. Mildred Wade, math teacher, points to classroom-size slide rule and other teaching aids at the new Minco High School. This is a great photo of a Demonstration Pickett on a rotating wall mount

Oklahoma Times newspaper (1959) Jack R. Porter, winner of mathematics scholarship. The OU senior holds the Samuel Watson Reaves Scholarship.

Daily Oklahoman newspaper - Loyd Pummill practices on the circular slide rule he used during the atomic tests in Nevada.

Oklahoma Times newspaper (1977) Math teacher Lucille Peters, with her obsolete model slide rule in the back ground, lectures on advanced mathematics.
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Row #190

Photograph of Native American young man (Lee Bass Jr.) with a drum. Slide rule vs. tribal drum..Oklahoma Historical Society

Police work is made possible by this Slide Rule which resulted in the capture of an armed robbery suspect. 1953

The Eagle 1962 Yearbook, Stephen F. Austin High School. Page 86

The Eagle 1965 Yearbook, Stephen F. Austin High School. Page 147(3)

The Eagle 1965 Yearbook, Stephen F. Austin High School. Page 147(4)
Row #191

The Eagle 1965 Yearbook, Stephen F. Austin High School. Page 147(1) - Math and Slide Rule Club. Elton Gouthier,
John Abshier, Mike Wilson, James Hilliard, and Mr. Weldon (Sponsor).

The Eagle 1966 Yearbook, Stephen F. Austin High School Page 127(1) - Math and Slide Rule Club.David Price,
Carlton Young, Terri Foreman, Lynn Boudreaux, Mike Wilson, and Irma LeBlanc.

The Eagle 1966 Yearbook, Stephen F. Austin High School Page 127(2) - Math and Slide Rule Club. Mr. Smith, Irma LeBlanc, Lonnie Atkinson,
Dickie Burnham, Larry Gerguson, Terri Foreman, Billie Atkinson, Nancy Young, Raymond Fisher, Lane Fuselier, and Mr. Weldon. 7-foot Pickett above blackboard.

The Eagle 1967 Yearbook, Stephen F. Austin High School Page 49 - Math and Slide Rule Club. Lane Fuselier, Raymond Fisher,
Richard Arredondo, Lonnie Atkinson, Mr. Weldon (Sponsor)

The Eagle 1969 Yearbook, Stephen F. Austin High School Page 141 - Math and Slide Rule Club. Miss Young (Sponsor) Joanie Jehlen, Shirley Guillory,
Terry Wolfe, Susan Avery, Mr. Holladay, James Perry. Jeff McCreary, and Joseph Harrington..
Row #192

The Eagle 1969 Yearbook, Stephen F. Austin High School Page 141(2) - Miss Young (sponsor of the slide rule club)
explains its use to James Perry using a 7-foot Pickett demonstation slide rule.

The Eagle 1969 Yearbook, Stephen F. Austin High School Page 141(3) - Don Smith, Larry Bell, Shirley Guillory, and Judy Jones work cube root problems.
Miss Young (Sponsor) is off-camera.

"Precisely So (1937) Manufacturing Tolerances" video by Cheverolet. GM engineer uss slide rule.
See Youtube video at 9:05 minutes
Contributed by Alessandro Scalini.

"Precisely So (1937) " video by Cheverolet. Animated parade of slide rules and othe precision instruments..
See Youtube video at 17:42 minutes
Contributed by Alessandro Scalini.

Project Blue Book TV Series Season 1, Episode 6 10m 45s - K&E Slide Rule
Row #193

Cleveland Institute Of Electronics - "Slide Rule Correspondence Course", Book 1, 1963 Title Page. Created by Darrell L. Geiger.(Shown)
Uses the Pickett Model 515. CEI was founded by Carl Smith in 1934, and he patented the Auto-Programmed method of learning.

Cleveland Institute Of Electronics - "Slide Rule Correspondence Course", Book 1, 1965 Title Page
Created by Darrell L. Geiger (person in photo unknown). Uses the Pickett Model 515.
CEI was founded by Carl Smith in 1934, and he patented the Auto-Programmed method of learning.

German Engineer with Addiator Universal

Target For Today A 1944 8th Air Force Bombing Video - Minite 8:00 - Weather Planning Bombing Raid Over Germany, Slide Rule In Hand

Target For Today A 1944 8th Air Force Bombing Video - Minute 23:00 Navigator Planning Bombing Raid Over Germany With Dalton Navigation Computer
Row #194

Joliet Junior College 1961 Yearbook, pg24. John Gregg holds slide rule.

Joliet Junior College 1942 Yearbook, pg24, E.C.Douglas' Class

The Great War Of Archimedes 2021 Japanese Movie 1hr2min Showing Slide Rule

Tucker - The Man And His Dream 1988 Movie Showing Actors With Slide Rules beginning at Minute 27

Aurora University 1947 Pharos Yearbook pg44 Postmans Holiday Student With Slide Rule
Row #195

Three Body Problem Sci-Fi TV Series Ep23 39min41sec and 41min07sec - Female Chinese Scientist Sleeoing with Slide Rules On Table Submitted by Foo Cheow Ming in Singapore

Three Body Problem Sci-Fi TV Series Ep24 8min01sec and 41min07sec - Female Chinese Scientist with Slide Rules On Table Submitted by Foo Cheow Ming in Singapore

Andreas Faßbender presents his Nestler slide rule exhibit in the Kulturbahnhof railroad station in Korschenbroich, Germany. 2-13-2023

Indiana University May 18, 1947. University school math class taught by Mr. Peak. Many students using slide rules including large slide rule at head of class.

A-5 Vigilante - The Aircraft Carrier Nuclear Bomber Documentary. Slide rule Shown at 2min 15sec.
Row #196

Bounty Movie Joint Slide Rule In Captain Bligh's Chest Used For Celestial Navigation. Actors Anthony Hopkins, Mel Gibsson & Liam Neeson. at 1h 37min

Are You With It 1948 Movie with actor Donald O'Conner who Uses Slide Rule To Beat Slot Machine odds. at 15Min 30sec

First Man Into Space 1959 Movie. Officer Holds Slide rule at 13min

High Time 1960 Movie starring Bing Crosby. Students Calculate Height Of wood pile for a Bonfire at 24min

Kronos 1957 Movie has an Air Force Sergeant With Slide Rule at 1hr 14min
Row #197

Lost In Space - "The Raft". S1 Ep12 1965 TV Series. Slide rule Held By June Lockhart as does another Female actress at 46min

"My Three Sons - "Lady Engineer" S1 E7 1960 TV Series. Acotor Fred MacMurray Holds slide rule

Officer And A Gentleman 1982 Movie. Starring Richard Gere Midshipmen in Class with slide rules

PBS Transistorized Story of John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain at Bell Labs. Slide Rules Shown

Space 1999 - "Testament of Arkadia" TV Series Episode. Hemmi slide rule being used at __7min50sec
Row #198

The Code Breakers 2005 Movie About cheating scandle. USMA Cadet With Slide Rule at 6min and 16min

The Giant Spider Invasion 1975 Movie.Large 7ft Pickett Teaching Slide Rule In Lab at 22min 43min.Found By Craig Kielhofer

UFO - "Computer Affair" British 1953 TV Series Episode2. Commander Staeker Studies Sliderule at 13min55sec

When Worlds Collide 1951 Movie. Female Engineer Calculates On Slide Rule

First Man Into Space 1959 Movie. Officer Holds Slide rule at 13min
Row #199

Lionel Porter Math Craft set - Jimmy Gets A Christmas Present, 1963 Ebay photo.

Sky Captain and the World of Tommorow 2004 Movie - Slide Rule At 33m22sec Contributed By Foo Heow Ming

Battle Of Britain - Race For Radar" 2020 Documentary Movie Min12 Unique Brand Of Slide Rule Being Used

VistaVision Promotional Film Youtube_min_35 shows an engineering using a slide rule.

Prof. Patrick O'Shea President of University College Cork, Ireland (holding Pickett teaching rule) and
Dr. Miriam O'Callaghan (holding regular Pickett rule) is a well known Irish television current affairs presenter with RTÉ. June 2, 2017 photo.
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Row #200

"Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny" Movie Trailer. Minute 1:00 Slide Rule On Desk shows Back Side. Contributed by Andreas Fassbender

"Outer Limits" TV series shows William Shatner With Slide Rule

"Radar Men From The Moon" 1957 Movie - 2min Simplex Slide rule In Hand Spotted By Jeffery A. Weiner

"The Simpsons - Hellfish Raging Abe" TV series episode. Slide Rule Used To Plot Abe's Death

"Sea Power" Episode 3 - Seaman Uses Drafting Board With Circular Slide Rule
Row #201

Disney Movie "Lightyear" 2022 - Buzz Lightyear's Broken Autopilot is Replaced by an E6-B Slide Rule

HBO 2019 mini-series "Chernobyl" ep4 41m67m Russian Slide Rule On Table. contributed by Foo Cheow Ming in Singapore

Nuclear engineer John M. West calculating on a slide rule, Albert S. Jameson taking temperature readings, and
August W. Schulke operating the Argonne National Laboratory Experimental Boiling Water Reactor (EBWR) (1956). Found by Michel Talbot, forwarded by
Guillermo Romero

Engineer With Slide Rule at the controls of CERN's First Synchrotron (1969) in Geneva, Switzerland. Found by Michel Talbot.

Slide Rule on table of The MIT Network Analyzer. It was a prototype AC network analyzer built by American electrical engineer Harold Locke Hazen Found by Michel Talbot.
Row #202

The Cowan-Reines Neutrino Experiment. Physicists Clyde L. Cowan and Frederick Reines confirmed the existence of neutrinos experimentally in 1956. A Slide Rule is on the desk.

Control panel of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 60-inch cyclotron accelerator, Crocker Laboratory, University of California (1950). Lab director Joseph G. Hamilton is supervising an experiment conducted by physicist Bernard Rossi, which has is arm resting over a slide rule.

TRIDAC Analog Computer 1954 Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough Airfield, Hampshire, UK. Slide Rule On Countertop.

David Packard and Bill Hewlett founded their company Hewlett-Packard in a Palo Alto, California garage in 1939. Holding a slide rule.

UTO, a Danish company, founded by Kal Kruuse and Poel Larsen that made slide rules
and continues to make modern slide charts. Jorgensen is the 3rd man in the photo.
Row #203

Virginia Norwood, a key designer of Landsat satellite technology. Norwood, a trained physicist, designed Landsat's groundbreaking
Multispectral Scanner System (MSS), which captured the spectral signatures of plants from space. 1963 photo with slide rule. See her biography at NASA

Lowell Observatory computer William Carrigan operating a Millionaire calculator in order to compute the possible position of Planet X³ (1907).
It was the first commercially successful mechanical calculator that could perform a direct multiplication, in production from 1893 to 1935
with 5000 manufactured. The cylinder in the foregound is a Keuffel & Esser Thacher cylindrical slide rule.

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Contribution from sources
In the ISRM curators quest of ephemera, he would like to acknowledge the many on-line sources that these images are mined from.
Many individual contributors are noted by their spefic images.
- Peter Hopp, UKSRC - Skidstick publication, People with slide rules
- Life Magazine
- Getty Images
- American Radio history
- High School and College Yearbooks
- Oughtred Society members - Journal of the Oughtred Society
- RCA-Engineer - internal company magazine
- Westinghouse Engineer - internal company magazine
- Radio Electronics magazine
- Radio Craft Magazine
- Communications Magazine
- Electronics Illustrated Magazine
- Electrical Expirementer Magazine
- University of Michigan Daily Digital Archives
- Michigan Technic - College of Engineering Publication, University of Michigan.
- New York Library Digital Collections
- Hienz History Center, Pittsburg, PA
- NASA - National Aeronatical and Space Administration
- New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) Yearbooks, 1929-1966
- Drexel University Yearbooks 1935-1956
- US Naval Academy "The Lucky Bag" Yearbooks 1925-1976
- US Air Force Academy Yearbooks 1956-1976
- Indiana University Yearbooks
- ISRG Archive of sightings (Rod Lovett)
- Michel Talbot At The Controls Facebook Page.