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Normally we try to combine different countries/makes when there are very few of one kind, but Australia's  entries in the slide rule market is significant enough to give them their own page, including those from New Zealand. The W&G is one of ISRM's favorite slide rules, and also the most significant manufacturer in Australia.

ARCUS - Max Wurker Pty Ltd

REF ARCUS Brand Slide Rule
ARCUS Brand Slide Rule
Made in Australia for Max Wurker Pty Ltd,
Similar construction to "Electro" model produced by Service Slide Rules.
Front Scale (Extended)
LL3, A(KW) [ B(PS), CI, C ] LL2
Back Scale
[ S, L, T ]
Back: Equivalents, Formulae and Trig identities
Scan provided by Cyril Catt. Australia

C.O. Browne, Melbourne, Australia

REF C.O. Browne Cylindrical "Long Scale Rule"
C.O. Browne Cylindrical "Long Scale Rule"
Made in Australia by C.O. Browne. , No. F.C.46
Diameter 3", length 13" closed, 18" maximum
Similar construction to Fuller Cylindrical Slide Rules.
The single helical scale is marked on a cylinder about 2-3/4" in diameter and 4-1/2" long. The scale makes 50 turns around the cylinder, for a total length of 413" (34 feet, or 10.5 metres). It is marked to 4 significant figures at the top end, and can be read to 1 part in 20000. The inner core of the rule is covered with tables of constants, formulae, and conversion factor
Scan provided by John Wolff. Australia

CAL Slide Rules

S411 CAL Slide Rule No. 2
CAL Slide Rule No. 2
Assumed to be Made in Australia - Patent pending 7415/42
Note: CAL is also the initials for Australia's Copyright Agency Ltd.
Similar construction to British Unique's but with a different wood
Front Scale (Extended)
LU, S, A [ B, R(CI), C ] D, T, LL
Back: Equivalents, Formulae and Trig identities

Ben Jordan

REF Ben Jordan's Scale Of Proportions Slide Rule
Ben Jordan's Scale Of Proportions Slide Rule
For finding the dimensions of an engraving to be made smaller or larger than copy
Made in Australia
Front Scale:
For Reductions: Copy ( Engraving)
For Enlargemnets: Engraving ( Copy )
Scan provided by Cyril Catt. Australia
Note: This was from an engraver near Sydney, New South Wales. It was made from the metal sheets used for engraving, and appear to be produced as advertising material, probably in the 1950s.

Griffin Computors, Sydney

Note: The Griffin was apparently made in Sydney about 1950, by a former airline pilot. He also made some simple concrete quantity calculators.

REF Griffin 121 Simplified Slide Rule
Griffin 121 Simplified Slide Rule
Made in Australia by Griffin Computors
Front Scale (Extended)
Units, C ( D )
Back: Blank
Note: This was found in an Las Angeles bookshop run by an Australian.
Scan provided by Cyril Catt. Australia


Micador was a technical drafting and art supply company in Australia that was founded in 1952 by MIChael A DORtimer a post war European who migrated to Australia. Germany and Japan were OEMs that supplied rebranded slide rules. Known models are 10, 35, 50, 60 (same as Aristo 0903) and 530.

Micador No. 7 Pocket Darmstad

Micador No. 7 Pocket Darmstad
Made in Japan (Most Likely)
Front Scale
15cm // LL3, LL2, A [ B, CI, C ] D, LL1
Back Scales: Unknown
Archive - Scan by Darren Samphier Collection, UK

Micador 10

Micador 35

Micador 50

Micador 60

Micador 60
Made in Germany - Same as Aristo 0903 Scholar
Front Scale
L, K, A [ B, CI, C ] D, S Cos, ST ST, T Cot
Back Scales:
25cm [ ] 8-0,0-8 in
Multiple hairlines
Archive - Scan by Rod Lovette Collection, UK

Micador 530 Slide Rule

Micador 530 Slide Rule
Possibly Made in Germany by Dennert & Pape (Aristo)
Front Scale (Extended)
LL01, LL02, LL03, A [ B, L, K, C ] D, LL3, LL2, LL1
T Cot, ST ST, DF [ CF, CIF, CI, C ] D, P, S Cos
Scan provided by Steve Seale Collection, Nashville, Tennessee

Micador Pocket Slide Rule
Micador Slide Rule
Made in Japan
Front Scale: 13cm// A [ B, CI, C ] D, K \\ 5in
Back scale: [ S, L, T ]
Gift Of Philip Stanley Collection

Micador Generic Pocket Slide Rule


(1.46MB PDF
Micador Generic Pocket Slide Rule
Made in Japan by Santok
Front Scale: A [ B, CI, C ] D, K
Back: Blank
Archive - Ebay photo January, 2014

Industrial Models, Wellington, New Zealand

Industrial Models Dimension Dial

Industrial Models Dimension Dial
For finding the proportion of a reproduction larger or smaller than copy
Made in Wellington, New Zealand
Front Scale: Pica, Inch ( Copy)
Back: Instructions
Gift of Phillip Rodley, Upper Hutt, New Zealand

Service Slide Rule - Sydney, Australia, 1954-1987

Service Slide Rule - Electro

REF S440
Service Slide Rule - Electro
Made by Service Slide Rule, Sydney, Australia
Front Scale (Extended)
LL3,  A(KW) [ B(PS), CI, C ] LL2
Back Scale
[ S, L, T ]
Back: Equivalents, Formulae and Trig identities
Original Owner: N. Fogarty/N.S.W. Australia

Service Slide Rule - Reed (for Electrical Engineers)


Designed by Joseph Grifith Reed, M.I.E., Aust. Chartered Engineer in 1935
See J.G. Reed's entry in Slide Rule Who's Who Gallery.

REED Instructions (4.37MB PDF)

Read this paper by David G. Rance: REED Riddle Solved (976KB pdf).

Service Slide Rule - Reed (for Electrical Engineers)
Made by Service Slide Rule, Sydney, Australia.
Front Scale (Extended)
inch // K, A [ B, CI, C ] D, L || cm
Back Scale
[ S, S&T, T ]
Back: Equivalents, Formulae and Trig identities
Well: D/L scale (Diameter to Length) scale better known as Nagaoka's coefficient.
Note: The scale is more commonly known as Nagaoka's coefficient after its originator, the Japanese physicist Hantaro Nagaoka (1865-1950). Communication engineers often need to calculate the inductance of electrical windings, e.g. a solenoid of a certain length, a certain diameter and a number of windings. This previously unheard of 'Diameter to Length' (0 being the infinite length) logarithmic D/L coefficient scale is a masterly Reed innovation for reading off the Nagaoka factor. 'K' in the inductance formula in Microhenries - where d = the diameter in centimetres, b = the length in centimetres and n = the total number of turns. Without including the K factor there is a serious error due to magnetic non-uniformity when the coil is short and its length is comparable to its width. This was, for example, frequently the case in coils for the valve radio industry. (per David G. Rance).
Scans by David G. Rance Collection, The Netherlands

Service Studios

Service Studio Slide Rule R.A.

Service Studio Slide Rule R.A.
Made by Service Studio Slide Rule, - 1943
Front Scale (Extended)
A [ B, C ] D
Back Scale
[ S, L, T ]
Back: Equivalents, Trig identities, Range Formulae
Scan provided by John Oakhill, Australia

Slide Charts of Australia, Sydney

SCA Circular Slide Rule

SCA Circular Slide Rule (1973)
Made in Australia by Slide Charts of Australia
Front Scale (Extended)
CI, C ( D, A, K, L)
Back Scale
Orginal Area (Conversion Factor, Converted Area)
Scan provided by Cyril Catt. Australia

Unnamed Australian Slide Rule

Unnamed Australian (Homemade?) Slide Rule

Unnamed Australian (Homemade?) Slide Rule
Made in Australia - Manufacturer Unkown
Front Scale (Extended)
K, A [ B, CI, C ] D, L
Back: Blank
Note: Wood construction with paper scales (like Lawrence slide rules)
Scan provided by Cyril Catt. Australia

W&G Record Processing Company Ltd., Melbourne
White and Gillespie Pty. Ltd. was established in 1910 by A.E.White and J.D. Gillespie. Both men had been stereotypers with the Signs Publishing Co., Warburton, Victoria, making printing blocks. The two men established White and Gillespie in Patrick Street, Melbourne.A wholly owned subsidiary, W&G Record Processing Company Pty. Ltd., was established making vinyl records. When World War 2 began in 1939, the Australian Government set up a register of industrial skills. W&G was one of the firms asked to make some specialist instruments for the armed forces, although printing plate manufacturing remaine the core business. The instruments were mainly navigational aids and range finding devices. By the 1970s W&G's instrument product range included W&G slide rules (described separately), drafting machine scales (plastic on a wood core and clear acrylic), hand and pocket scale rules (plastic over wood cores, and solid plastic) protractors. See
Robert Bruce Sandie's article in the Journal of the Oughtred Society

W&G 421

W&G 421 Closed
Made in Melbourne, Australia - W&G Record Processing Co.
Front Scale (Extended)
10in // L, A [ B, Reciprocal, C ] D, Cube || 25cm
Back scale: [ Sin, Sin & Tan, Tan ]
Archive - University of Melbourne, School of Physics Museum

W&G 432 "Dual-Face" Comprehensive

W&G 432 "Dual-Face" Comprehensive
Made in Melbourne, Australia - W&G Record Processing Co.
Front Scale
LL (or LL3), L, A [ B, Reciprocal (or CI), C ] D, Cu, LL (or LL2)
Back Scale
SINE1, SINE2, KW [ HP, TANGENT1, TANGENT2, F ] Voltage Drop, Dynamo Efficiency
Unique thumb wheel for sliding cursor.
Gift of Phillip Rodley of UpperHutt, New Zealand.

W&G 432 "Dual-Face" Comprehensive

ISRM 24.06.10,04

Prof. Dr Garry J. Tee (1933-2024) (B.Sc. 1952, M.Sc. 1954). grew up during the 1930s Great Depression and in the South Island railway camps of that era. After Garry Tee graduated from Auckland University College as M.Sc. (N.Z.), his first job was as a computer, with an oil prospecting team in northwest Australia. Continued on right
W&G 432 "Dual-Face" Comprehensive
Made in Melbourne, Australia - W&G Record Processing Company
Front Scale
LL (or LL3), L, A [ B, Reciprocal (or CI), C ] D, Cu, LL (or LL2)
Back Scale
SINE1, SINE2, KW [ HP, TANGENT1, TANGENT2, F ] Voltage Drop, Dynamo Efficiency
Conventional Cursor. The stock has the same dimension as most Hemmi duplex slide rules, including the Post Versalog, so this may be a Hemmi cursor
Original owner: Dr Garry J. Tee, (1933-18Feb2024), Professor Emeritus (1968) Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Gift facilitated by the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia with permission from Dr. Tee.
Cont'd In 1958, human computers began to be supplemented by electronic computers in geophysics, and it was obvious to him that electronic computers were going to become extremely important. Accordingly, he went to England, where he became a mathematician in English Electric Company, which manufactured DEUCE computers (based on Alan Turing's design for ACE). From 1964 to 1968 he was a foundation member of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Lancaster, and then he returned to the Department of Mathematics at the University of Auckland. He has published on numerical analysis and on the history of science, and he has translated books and papers on numeric analysis from Russian to English. Full Obituary

ISRM W&G 443 Artillery Slide Rule, VFA 3400 Mk1


W&G 443 Instructions 6Mb
W&G 443 Artillery Slide Rule, VFA 3400 Mk1 1945
Made in Melbourne, Australia - W&G Record Processing Co.
Front Scale (extended)
L, A [ B, Reciprocal (or CI), C ] D, Cu
Back Scale (extended)
SINE1 0°-90° & 0-1.000 [ ANGLE2 5.8°-90° @ 174°-90° , ANGLE1 0°34'-5°30' ] RANGE 1-10, TAN 0-45° & 0-1.00
Conventional Cursor
Donated by Stephen Sheen in memory of his father.

This instrument belonged to the late WX1844 Gunner George Sheen (portrait from 1966) of the 2/3rd Australian Field Regiment (6th Division, 2nd AIF) during WWII. He obtained this at the end of the war. A Christmas menu of 1941 is signed by members of his battery. The emblem is for an officer of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery (RAA) and shows the The (British) Lion and (Australian) Kangaroo representing "imperial solidarity".

W&G 454 "Dual-Face" Survey

W&G 454 "Dual-Face" Survey
Made in Melbourne, Australia - W&G Record Processing Co.
Front Scale
Sine, Cos [ Angle 2, Angle 1 ] Range, Tan, Cot
Back Scale
L, A [ B, Reciprocal, C ] D, Cu
Archive - Greg Scott Collection
Instructions 1.05Mb

W&G 465 "Dual-Face" Shipping Freight & General Purpose Slide Rule

W&G 465 "Dual-Face" Shipping Freight & General Purpose Slide Rule
Made in Melbourne, Australia - W&G Record Processing Co.
Front Scale
L, A [ B, Reciprocal, CI, C ] D, Cu, K
Back Scales
Pounds-Shillings, Shillings-Pence, T/R, P, D2, D3/D1, CC
Archive - Not in Collection

W&G 476 "Dual-Face" Trigonometrical (Stadia)


This slide rule was well-traveled. This specimen was obtained out of Illinois in October, 2021.
W&G 476 "Dual-Face" Trigonometrical (Stadia)
Made in Melbourne, Australia - W & G Record Processing Co.
Front Scale: LL (or LL3), L, A [ B, Reciprocal (or CI), C ] D, Cu, LL (or LL2)
Back Scale: Stadia V, H, Chord, A [ B, SIN<6 COS>5, SIN>5 COS <6, C ] D, TAN 30-6, COT 84-90, TAN 5-45, COT 85-45
Original Owner: E.A. Bramhall (Marked on slide and sleeve).
The ISRM curator researched the provenance of this slide rule that was owned by Eugene (Gene) Andrew Bramhall. (B. 1922 New York D. 1995 Louisiana) Used it at Univ of London after being discharged as a Private in the U.S. Army where he was stationed in England during World War II. He was in the 455 battalion of General Patton's Third Army in Europe. He met his wife Margaret Cecily Wilson (age 18) at a dance while in England. Maggie's records shows that she flew alone (age 19) by air on Pan American Airways) to New York on August 4, 1946. They were married in Flushing, Long Island, New York,, Note: Hailey Bramhall, granddaughter of Maggie, located the paperwork her grandmother completed on the New York passenger Lists, Gene and Maggie's daughter Teresa "Terri" Cecily Oberholtzer,(1951-2021) who was born in Teaneck, NJ, related that her early life was spent travelling the world with her three sisters, mother and father who worked as a road (civil) engineer. They lived in England, Africa, Bahamas and all over the United States.

Looking for Examples of:

W&G MkII Pilot Ballon Slide Rule (1928-1943+)

W&G Aerial Dead Reckoning Computer R.A.A.F. Mk 1

W&G Aerial Dead Reckoning Computer R.A.A.F. Mk 1
Made in Australia by White & Gillespie
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Scan provided by Cyril Catt. Australia

W&G Slide Rule Fv

W&G Slide Rule Fv
Made in Australia by by White & Gillespie
Front Scale
Elevation, ho [ Frequency ] Ohms
Back Scale
Nomagraph: Km, h', degrees
Scan provided by Cyril Catt. Australia

W&G Proportion Calculator

W&G Proportion Calculator
Made in Melbourne, Australia - W&G Record Processing Co.
Front Scale
Depth [ Width ]
Archive - not in collection

Winstone, Blackburn, Smith. Christchurch, New Zealand

Winstone Concrete Block/Volume Calculator

Winstone Concrete Block Calculator
For finding the proportion of a reproduction larger or smaller than copy
Slide Chart Made in Christchurch, New Zealand
Front Scale (Block): No. 16in blocks, Total Length [No. 8in courses, Height of Wall, Blocks Reqd. ]
Back Scale(Volume): A Thickness [ B, C ] D Cubic Yards.
Gift of Phillip Rodley, Upper Hutt, New Zealand

G. M. YABSLEY, Murwillumbah

Yabsley Acreage Calculator

Yabsley Acreage Calculator (1972)
Made in Australia - Designed and made by G.M. Yablsey
Front Scale (Extended)
$ balance per Claim ($ per cwt) 2 Ccwt/acre, 4 cwt/acre
Back: Instructions
Note: This was made by G.M. Yabsley, an agronomist colleague, of Cyril Catt in the NSW Dept. of Agriculture, to ease the burden of checking a few hundred applications for a former Government fertilizer subsidy.
Scan provided by Cyril Catt. Australia

Early White & Gillespie Product List

Copyright © 2003-
International Slide Rule Museum