Collecting Faber-Castell slide rules, I become more and
more interested in their background and technology. Following is a short list of
some of the manuals, books,
Rechenstab Briefen and catalogues that I collected.
Title: Rechenstab für den Kaufmann
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 34
Dated: 1966
File: frontpage, TOC, back page (PDF)
A book describing commercial applications of the
57/22, 52/82 and 52/80. |
Title: Directions for use of Faber-Castell
precision slide rules
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: English
Pages: 96
Dated: 1958
File: frontpage, titlepage, TOC, overview of FC
assortment (PDF)
Targetted at the US market. |
Title: Directions for use of slide rules
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: English
Pages: 104
Dated: 1958
File: frontpage, titlepage, TOC, overview of FC
assortment (PDF)
Targetted at the US market. Contents is
identical to the previous book, with one chapter added
about the 2/83. |
Title: The slide rule
Author: C.N. Pickworth
Language: English
Pages: 130
Dated: 1942
File: frontpage, titlepage, TOC (PDF) |
Title: Instructions for the use of A.W.
Faber's improved calculating rule
Author: C.N. Pickworth
Language: English
Pages: 47+14 large folded drawings
Dated: between 1902-1906
File: frontpage, titlepage, TOC, page 1+2 (PDF)
Describes the use of the earliest FC
slide rules. Celluloid facings are described as a recent
Title: The Mannheim slide rule
Author: Keuffel & Esser Co.
Language: English
Pages: 50
Dated: 1917
File: frontpage, titlepage, 3 pages with
K+E slide rule pictures (PDF)
Title: Instruction for the use of A.W.
Faber-Castell precision calculating rules
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: English
Pages: 76
Dated: Most likely in the 30-ies
File: frontpage, titlepage, TOC (PDF)
Describes the use of the 3-series: 360,
Title: Rechenstab
Fibel Das Stabrechnen in der Volksschule
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 16 + demo card
Dated: 1963
File: All pages (PDF)
School book for learning to use the 57/87
and the 57/86
Title: Ich leiste
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 72
Dated: Around 1940
File: frontpage, TOC and 2 pages of FC
adds (pdf)
A tutorial for learning to use FC slide
rules. Including paper models of 1/91, 1/60, 1/87 and 1/22
Title: Instruction for the use of A.W.
Faber-Castell precision calculating rules
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: English
Pages: 74
Dated: Most likely in the 30-ies
File: frontpage only
An earlier version of the previous one.
Describes the use of the 3-series: 360,
Catalogues & Commercial documents
Title: A.W. Faber Castell Precision
Calculating Rules
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: English
Pages: 12
Dated: Most likely 1910-1930 period
File: Al 12 pages (PDF)
Describes the 3XX series, as well as
separate cursors, flat rulers and pencils.
Brochure of Feinmessinstitut Klawun for the a commercial slide rule
Author: Feinmessinstitut Klawun
Language: German
Pages: 2
Dated: 1936-1937
File: All (PDF)
A small brochure for trainings of the
Commercial Klawun (Faber-Castell) slide rules. I found it in
a 1928 Faber-Castell Columbus manual.
Slide rules
Author: A.W. Faber-Castell
Language: English
Pages: 12
Dated: 60-ies
File: All (PDF)
A English catalogue describing 19
different slide rules. Most likely from the (early) sixties.
Brochure for the 2/82 Castell-Duplex
Author: Faber Castell
Language: German
Pages: 2
Dated: Most likely 1960's
File: All (PDF)
A 2 sided leaflet for the (then) new 2/82
and 62/82. |
1950-ies promo pack
This is a 6 piece promotional pack that Faber-Castell sent to German
schools on January 22, 1954. After discussions with Peter Holland we
came to the conclusion that the large red catalogue is not from the fifties, but
from the period 1940-1945.
(Also the introductionletter refers to the catalogue that was printed "some years ago".) |
Introduction letter
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 1
Dated: 22-1-1954
File: 1 page (PDF)
The introduction letter of this
promotional mailing
Title: Faber-Castell
Rechenstab Liste 1/500
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 16
Dated: 1940-1945?
File: Al 16 pages (PDF)
A beautifull catalogue of the
Faber-Castell assortment in that time. Including demonstration slide rules,
special cursors, display materials etc.
Inlay in large Faber-Castell catalogue from 1955
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 16
Dated: Early 50-ies
File: All (PDF)
A mini catalogue of Faber-Castell slide
rules that was an inlay in the previous catalogue
Title: Rechenstäbe und Zeichengeräte
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 16
Dated: Early 50-ies
File: Pages 1-5 and back (PDF)
A mini catalogue of Faber-Castell slide
rules, rulers and other drafting tools
Title: Faber-Castell Preisliste
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 4
Dated: Early 50-ies
File: Al 4 pages (PDF)
A pricelist with the recommended prices
(in DM) for all Faber-Castell slide rules als listed in the previous
mini catalogue
Title: Hätte
Archimedes ihn gekannt..."
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 8
Dated: Early 50-ies
File: Al 8 pages (PDF)
A small promotional leaflet for the 57/22
and 57/87.
Title: Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 2
Dated: Early 50-ies
File: Front & back(PDF)
A response card schools could use to
order more information or request a seminar about slide rules.
Präzisions-Rechenstab für Kaufleute "Columbus"(System Rohrberg)
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 58
Dated: 1928
File: First 5 pages (PDF)e
A manual for the System Columbus slide
Rechenstab Briefe
Title: Rechenstab Brief no. 4
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 20
Dated: 1962
File: All pages (PDF) |
Title: Rechenstab Brief no. 9
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 20
Dated: 1964
File: All pages (PDF) |
Title: Rechenstab Brief no. 10
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 20
Dated: 1965
File: All pages (PDF)
Title: Rechenstab Brief no. 14
Author: Faber-Castell
Language: German
Pages: 26
Dated: 1971
File: All pages (PDF)
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